P4 Children’s Home Learning Plan WB 11.5.20Remember - write your first and last name on your work self-assess your work - SA (self-assess) ask for help if needed assess and edit AE (Assess and edit) - Read to an adult. Ensure you have used capital letters and full stops and that your text makes sense. Tick ?the box □ when completedMonday 11th May Tuesday 12th MayWednesday 13th MayGet Active□ Youtube – The Body Coach TVPE with Joe WicksChoose today’s lessonSpelling – 30 mins□ Look at the new spelling list□ Check the meaning of any words you don’t know□ Select 10 words of your choice□ Read your spelling list to an adult □ Look, say, cover, write, check □ Write 5 sentences using these words □ Assess and edit □ Challenge – up-level your sentences using VCOP Literacy –Reading – 40 mins□ Ask an adult to help you find the book ‘Great Artists’ in the 7-9 years age category of free e-books on Oxford Owl webpage linked here: Oxford Owl e-books □ Answer these questions:What is the purpose of the introductory and concluding sections in the gallery?What is different about each of the artists?What inspired each artist?What obstacles did they overcome?What do the artists have in common?What do you think makes an artist ‘great’?□?Use the powerpoint (on the parent grid) to remind you what inferential questions are? □ Create 6 of your own questions (including at least 2 inferential questions) about the book to ask a friend.BreakNewsround/Miss Gater11am Fischy Music Assembly Numeracy & Maths – 45 mins□ We are going to revisit money for the next few weeks. Start by watching and completing the tasks about Converting pounds and pence□?Complete the worksheet on parent grid. LunchFrench – 45 mins□ Revise French pets ,French farm animals , Colours part 1 and Colours part 2.□ Have a look at the new vocabulary. Use Google translate to type in the new vocabulary and listen to the pronunciation.□ With an adult play a miming game using the new words. One person mimes the action, then the other says what they are doing. You can even add the name of the relevant animal. For example: Il galope. C’est un cheval.□ Complete the worksheets.HWB – Expect the Unexpected Big Feelings□ Think of some ‘big’ feelings that you know or have felt e.g. ‘frightened’ or petrified’ (can you think of other words to describe these feelings, e.g. anxious, scared, frightened, and petrified). □ Make a list of these feelings and think of the facial expressions and body language that goes with them. Draw them under each feelings word.□ Then write down an example of when people may feel like this for each of the big feelings you came up with. For example: ‘Someone might feel frightened when someone turns out the light/someone might be petrified if they got lost.□ Listen to the story The Heart and the Bottle’ by Oliver Jeffers. And discuss the idea of loss with an adult. Helping Hands □ Where could you turn to find help and support when you experience difficult feelings? □ Each time you think of a strategy, draw round your hand, cut it out and write the strategy on it. One good example and strategy is ‘listening to people’.Get Active□ Youtube – The Body Coach TVPE with Joe WicksChoose today’s lessonHandwriting – 10 mins□ Practise your handwriting – use the link here: handwriting worksheets Spelling – 10 mins□ Practise your spelling words e.g. bubble writing, pyramid words, rainbow spellingLiteracy – Grammar - 25 mins□ Listen to the clip - What are synonyms and antonyms? □ Once you have revisited these, complete worksheet. BreakNewsround/Miss GaterScience – one hour□ Watch the short clip about -The importance of water on Earth□ Fill in the attached worksheet.□ Think about why water is a very precious resource. How dotrees, plants, animals and humans use it? Could they survive withoutit? What would the world look like without water?□ Make your own water turbine - Earth Week - Activity 4 LunchICT – Numeracy – 30 mins□ Log in to Sumdog and work your way through the challenges or choose Hit the button and practise your times tables.RE Islam– one hour□ Watch the clip - What is Islam? Then take the quiz and test your knowledge.□ Complete the 5 Pillars of Islam worksheet, writing down what each one represents.□ Watch the clip -What is Ramadan?□ Complete the fill in the blank worksheet on Ramadan.Relaxation and Meditation□ Jelly Belly or Cosmic Kids Guided Relaxation Get Active□ Youtube – The Body Coach TVPE with Joe WicksChoose today’s lessonNumeracy & Maths – 45 mins□ Continuing with money – look at Adding money□?Complete the on-line activity and the worksheet from the parent grid.Spelling – 10 mins□ Practise your spelling words on your whiteboard/complete word-search BreakNewsround/Miss GaterLiteracy Talking and Listening– 30 mins□ Watch the clip Tell me the story about the virus □ Think about the purpose of this spoken text. Why do you think it was created?□ Using this text, make a list and note down the advantages and disadvantages of living in lockdown.Music – 45 mins Following on with The Orchestra, we are going to move to the Brass section. □ Google DSOkids (Dallas Symphony Orchestra)□ Open tab “ Listen and Learn”□ Pick Instruments – Brass □ Listen to the examples of each instrument in this section.□ Click on tab – “Visit The Symphony”□ Click the seating plan and look at where the brass players sit in the orchestra.□??Google - BBC Bitesize Scotland, Expressive Arts, 2nd Level, Music, Brass□ Listen to the 2 clips of music.□ The Brass section of the orchestraTrombone performance.□??Google: nyphilkids - click on instrument games.LunchLibrary□ Read your book for at least 20 minutes.Art –one hour (link to Viking topic work)□ After you have explored the 9 Viking Worlds of Norse Mythology, design and create either a model or images of Asgard, Midgard, Bifrost, Jotunheim and Helheim with whatever materials you have at home.□ You may want to link them together like this child has done using a cereal box >>Thursday 14th MayFriday 15th MayA message from your teachersGet Active□ Youtube – The Body Coach TVPE with Joe WicksChoose today’s lessonNumeracy & Maths – 25 mins□ Choose some of the games from the links below to practise your understanding of money.Toy shop money game Coins game The change game Going shopping problem solving □ Spelling – 10 mins□ Practise grapheme marking (dotting and dashing) your spelling words. Reading – 30 mins□ Choose and listen to an author from Authors Live or simply read one of your own books.BreakNewsround/Miss GaterWriting – an hour□ Write a letter to someone you miss and haven’t seen since being in lockdown. It can be a friend or family member.*Remember to think carefully about the layout!?LunchNumeracy – 20 mins□ Choose your level and complete a Beat That worksheet. You can time yourself if you ic Viking BeliefsThe Vikings believed in the existence of nine worlds and several gods.□ Watch Odin creates the world□ Find out about the 9 Viking worlds in Norse mythology. Can you name them all?□ If you would like, illustrate the 9 worlds on an A4 sheet on paper – like a map! Here is an example: ICT - 30 minutes□ Practise your touch typing skills on BBC Bitesize Dance Mat Get Active□ Youtube – The Body Coach TVPE with Joe WicksChoose today’s lessonSpelling -15 mins□ Ask a family member to check you know your spellings from this week.Numeracy & Maths – 45 mins□ Choose and complete the CLIC worksheet.BreakNewsround/Miss Gater□ Assembly with Mr Law – on the Friends of Craiglockhart Primary School Facebook page.VCOP Writing – 30 mins□ Look at the picture carefully and uplevel these sentences:He looked out of the window. It was snowy. He was scared. He could see something.Hi everyone, It has been another cracking week weather wise – hope you managed to get out and catch some sun. Mrs Young and myself have enjoyed catching up with those of you who made it to our TEAMS meeting. Remember to do what you can and try your best. We miss you all! Take care, stay happy and stay safe. Mrs Young and Mrs McKie xx ................

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