CP Lab Chemistry Course Syllabus – Spring Semester 2020-21

Instructor: Mrs. Jennifer Smith

School Phone: 856-468-1445 ext. 2775

Email: jsmith@

Room: 254

Course Materials: Copies of chapters and other materials will be provided to each student and available on Teams.

Course Description:

Through laboratory experiences, discovery, and classroom presentations, this college preparatory course treats chemistry as a qualitative and quantitative study of the interactions of matter on the subatomic and molecular level. The course will be delivered hybrid and remote (fully online). It will begin with the most fundamental of chemical units, the atom. Problem solving involving basic algebra will be used to introduce the quantitative nature of chemistry. All students must have a scientific calculator capable of working with exponents.

Course Goals:

1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science.

2. Students will demonstrate comprehension through analysis of concepts.

3. Students will demonstrate comprehension through the application of formulas.

4. Students will demonstrate comprehension through the application of laboratory skills.

Course Objectives:

1. Students will be able to analyze the periodic table and predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy levels.

2. Students will be able to differentiate elements based on their light waves.

3. Students will be able to predict the outcome of chemical reactions based on electron states and periodic trends.

4. Students will be able to develop models to illustrate and analyze various physical science processes and concepts.

5. Students will conduct laboratory experiments to identify, illustrate, apply, analyze data, construct and evaluate various physical science concepts.


Summative Assessments:

Tests: 25%

Final: 20%

Mid-unit benchmarks: 15%

Performance Assessments:

Labs/Projects: 25%

In-class Response Questions: 15%

In the event the school district cancels finals, the 20% weight will be evenly distributed amongst the other categories

Late Policy:

Late work will be accepted late up until the day of the test, of the unit they were part of, for partial credit.

Academic Expectations:

1. All Students – remote and in-person - must sign into Teams within five minutes of the start of the regularly scheduled class time. Students who do not will be marked late or absent accordingly and the districts late/absent policy will be followed.

2. All remote students are expected to adhere to school dress, behavior and attendance policies, per the student handbook section on “Virtual Learning/Virtual Meetings”

3. Students must be properly dressed for labs. Students will be told at least one day in advance of labs. Students will not be able to participate in a lab if not dressed properly (this is a safety issue)

4. Actively participate daily in order to understand, discuss and analyze course materials within the classroom. Participation is essential to your success in this class. In Remote learning/virtual classes you must complete assignments, quizzes, projects etc. on a timely basis. Consistent failure to give assignments on time will result in being referred to administration.

5. Attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid emergencies. Absences and making up missed work:

a. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments and notes when they are absent for any reason.

b. Students who are absent due to illness have one day for every day absent to turn in their work.

c. Make arrangements with the teacher in cases of extended absences.

d. In order to ensure the greatest chance of success, if circumstances allow, missed assessments must be made up within one week of your return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up date with the teacher.

e. Missed assessments must be made up during lunch period or after school, so as not to interfere with learning the new material being presented in class.

6. Late Work: It is the responsibility of student to keep track of their assignments, including the submission time and date and to make sure the teacher receives your assignments on time ‘My computer is broken’ or ‘I don’t have internet at home’ are not ‘valid’ reasons for failure to complete any work. If you are having trouble completing any assignment, make an appointment to talk with me.

7. All work is due by the assigned due date regardless if you are in-person or remote on the day the assignment is due.

8. Technology:

a. Laptops should be charged every evening

b. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the teacher if they have technology problems, including but not limited to, computer and internet problems, in a timely manner.

9. Complete all classroom work, quizzes, chapter assessments, unit assessments, benchmarks, and exams.

10. All Remote students will be required to have their cameras on during assessments

11. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: Students are expected to do their own work. No cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated.

There are two basic kinds of plagiarism: deliberate plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. One may sound more acceptable than the other, but they are equally serious academic offenses. The most common act of deliberate plagiarism involves copying another person's work and passing it off as your own. The most common act of accidental plagiarism involves failing to provide the proper internal documentation for quoted, summarized and paraphrased ideas from another person, even if you list the source in your Works Cited.

In this class, deliberate and accidental plagiarism will be treated the same. The first instance of plagiarism will result in a zero (0) for that assignment and require a student instructor conference.

District Policy on Photos and Recording in Class:

The Board of Education believes pupils and/or school staff members should not be subject to having a video or audio recording taken of any pupil(s) or school staff member(s) for any purpose without the consent of the pupil, the pupil’s parent or guardian, and/or the school staff member. In addition to protecting the privacy rights of pupils and school staff members, the Board recognizes such recordings can be disruptive to the educational program. In addition, inappropriate recordings of educational material, pupil assessment instruments, and/or pupil assessment reviews can be used to compromise the integrity of the district’s educational program or lead to academic dishonesty in the event such recordings are stored and/or transmitted to other pupils. Therefore, the Board of Education adopts this Policy regarding pupil use of electronic communication and recording devices. ​

This includes recording a teacher/student/class during a live virtual/hybrid session

▪ In accordance with the above district policy the following statement serves to inform students and their parent/guardians that:

o Teachers may record meetings/chats/instructions for teacher and student protection. Teams does notify participants when a video chat is being recorded and automatically keeps all transcripts of chats and discussions

▪ In this class, students may not make audio or video recordings of any course activity unless the student has an approved accommodation from the Director of Special Education/504 Coordinator permitting the recording of class sessions. In such cases, the accommodation plan must be presented to the instructor in advance of any recording being done and all students in the course will be notified whenever recording will be taking place.


▪ To ensure the free and open discussion of ideas, students may not record classroom lectures, discussion and/or activities without the advance written permission of the instructor, and any such recording properly approved in advance can be used solely for the student’s own private use. Students who wish to record lectures or class activities for study purposes must inform the faculty member first. Students with approved accommodations from the Director of Special Education/504 Coordinator permitting the recording of class meetings must present the accommodation letter to the instructor in advance of any recording being done. On any days when classes will be recorded, the instructor will notify all students in advance. Distribution or sharing of class recordings/images is prohibited without the written permission of the instructor and other students who are recorded.  

▪ Distribution without permission is a violation of educational privacy law. This policy is consistent with the District’s Policy: 5516- USE OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION AND RECORDING DEVICES (ECRD). Any student in violation of this Policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the Principal and/or the appropriate designee.  

Class Supplies:

1. 1” 3-ring binder

2. Highlighter(s)

3. Pencils

4. Small white erase board and dry erase marker (dollar store)

5. Dark blue or black ink pens

6. Folder (optional)

Classroom Policies:

1. Ask to use the bathroom – you will scan QR code before entering bathroom and leaving

2. Cell phones are kept in a back pack or purse NOT on you

3. Stay on task

4. Keep all unrelated objects in your backpack or purse

5. No eating or drinking during a lab

REMIND: Students and guardians can enroll to receive Remind announcements. The code will be posted as a PDF on the class Teams, in the Files tab.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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