Valley of Kennewick Scottish Rite

Valley of Kennewick Scottish Rite

January 2007 Trestleboard


|Contact Info. | Important Dates to Remember |

|Ron Galpin, Secretary – 509-943-8573 galpin@ |February 13th – Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm & |

|Jim Chase, Venerable Master – 509-586-5525 |30th Degree |

|jwchase@ |February 27th – Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm & |

|Kennewick Lodge 509-586-3520 |32nd Degree |

The Scottish Rite Creed of Freemasonry-

Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal.



I had a dream the other night. I found a vast treasure buried at the Temple. It was so real that

I went to the Temple and pushed the altar to one side, tapped on the floor and heard a hollow sound. I was knocking on a door to a hidden entrance. I cut open the carpet and pulled open the wooden trap door. A flight of stairs was revealed. I lit my candle. The old wooden boards creaked as I descended into the darkness. There were seven steps that led to a landing. To the right, five more steps. To the right again, three more stairs led downwards. It was dusty and musty. No one had had been there in decades. At the bottom was a wooden door with the square and compass for a knocker. The plaque read “knock three times.” I gave three loud raps and opened the door and raised my burning candle and looked inside.

Okay, I had just seen the movie, National Treasure on video the night before. It seemed so real. In reality it is real . . .

How many times have we been to our Masonic Halls and not noticed any thing of significance? How many times have we knocked on the door to the Valley? How many times have we descended or ascended that flight of stairs and shown our candle into the darkness, only to discover that our minds could not really see what was before our eyes?

Brothers . . . How long has it been since you have come to the Temple? I mean really come to the Temple, any Temple, to a Valley or Lodge meeting, with an open heart and mind?


It is there for each of us to find. It is extremely hard to find if we try to find it ourselves.

It is difficult to strike the match when you’re holding the candle in your other hand.

Come to the Temple and we can light the candle together, and push the alter aside, and descend the steps into the depths of Scottish Rite and rediscover the TREASURE that has been there all along.

Please come to the next meeting and help me light my candle.

With Fraternal Love and Affection,

Jim Chase, Venerable Master

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Kennewick Scottish Rite

601 W. 6th Avenue

Kennewick, WA 99336


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