|I. Information About the Clinical Site |Date (May / 21 / 2007 ) |
|Person Completing Questionnaire |Kenneth Call |
|E-mail address of person completing questionnaire |kcall@ |
|Name of Clinical Center |Therapeutic Associates, Inc. West Kennewick Physical Therapy |
|Street Address |1408 N Louisiana St. Ste 104-A |
|City |Kennewick |State |WA |Zip |99336 |
|Facility Phone |(509) 783-1962 |Ext. | |
|PT Department Phone | |Ext. | |
|PT Department Fax |(509) 783-1706 |
|PT Department E-mail |wken@ |
|Web Address | |
|Director of Physical Therapy |Kenneth Call |
|Director of Physical Therapy E-mail |kcall@ |
|Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE) / |Ken |
|Contact Person | |
|CCCE / Contact Person Phone |(509) 783-1962 |
|CCCE / Contact Person E-mail |Same |
Complete the following table(s) if there are multiple sites that are part of the same health care system or practice. Copy this table before entering information if you need more space.
|Name of Clinical Site | |
|Street Address | |
|City | |State | |Zip | |
|Facility Phone | |Ext. | |
|PT Department Phone | |Ext. | |
|Fax Number | |Facility E-mail | |
|Director of Physical Therapy | |E-mail | |
| | | | |
|Center Coordinator of Clinical | |E-mail | |
|Education/contact (CCCE) | | | |
|Name of Clinical Site | |
|Street Address | |
|City | |State | |Zip | |
|Facility Phone | |Ext. | |
|PT Department Phone | |Ext. | |
|Fax Number | |Facility E-mail | |
|Director of Physical Therapy | |E-mail | |
| | | | |
|Center Coordinator of Clinical | |E-mail | |
|Education/contact (CCCE) | | | |
|Name of Clinical Site | |
|Street Address | |
|City | |State | |Zip | |
|Facility Phone | |Ext. | |
|PT Department Phone | |Ext. | |
|Fax Number | |Facility E-mail | |
|Director of Physical Therapy | |E-mail | |
| | | | |
|Center Coordinator of Clinical | |E-mail | |
|Education/contact (CCCE) | | | |
Clinical Site Accreditation/Ownership
|Yes |No | |Date of Last Accreditation/Certification |
| | |1. Is your clinical site certified/ accredited? If no, go to #3. | |
| |2. If yes, by whom? | |
| | | JCAHO | |
| | | CARF | |
| | | Government Agency (eg, CORF, PTIP, rehab agency, state, etc.) | |
| | | Other | |
| |Who or what type of entity owns your clinical site? | |
| |__X_ PT owned | |
| |____ Hospital Owned | |
| |____ General business / corporation | |
| |____ Other (please specify)___________________ | |
3. Place the number 1 next to your clinical site’s primary classification -- noted in bold type. Next, if appropriate, mark (X) up to four additional bold typed categories that describe other clinical centers associated with your primary classification. Beneath each of the five possible bold typed categories, mark (X) the specific learning experiences/settings that best describe that facility.
| |Acute Care/Hospital Facility |X |Functional Capacity Exam- FCE | |spinal cord injury |
| |university teaching hospital | |industrial rehab | |traumatic brain injury |
| |pediatric | |other (please specify) | |other |
| |cardiopulmonary | |Federal/State/County Health | |School/Preschool Program |
| |orthopedic | |Veteran’s Administration | |school system |
| |other | |pediatric develop. ctr. | |preschool program |
|1 |Ambulatory Care/Outpatient | |adult develop. ctr. | |early intervention |
| |geriatric | |other | |other |
| |hospital satellite | |Home Health Care | |Wellness/Prevention Program |
| |medicine for the arts | |Agency | |on-site fitness center |
|X |orthopedic | |contract service | |other |
| |pain center | |hospital based | |Other |
| |pediatric | |other | |international clinical site |
|X |podiatric | |Rehab/Subacute Rehab | |administration |
|X |sports PT | |Inpatient | |research |
|X |Other: Spine/Back injuries | |Outpatient | |other |
| |ECF/Nursing Home/SNF | |Pediatric | | |
|2 |Ergonomics | |Adult | | |
|X |work conditioning | |Geriatric | | |
|4a. Which of these best characterizes your clinic’s location? Indicate with an ‘X’. |
| rural | |suburban | |urban |X |
5. If your clinical site provides inpatient care, what are the number of:
| |Acute beds |
| |ECF beds |
| |Long term beds |
| |Psych beds |
| |Rehab beds |
| |Step down beds |
| |Subacute/transitional care unit |
| |Other beds |
| |(please specify): |
| |Total Number of Beds |
II. Information about the Provider of Physical Therapy Service at the Primary Center
6. PT Service hours
|Days of the Week |From: (a.m.) |To: (p.m.) |Comments |
|Monday |6 |7 |Ending times are last patient at |
| | | |6 PM M-H |
|Tuesday |6 |7 | |
|Wednesday |6 |7 | |
|Thursday |6 |7 | |
|Friday |6 |5 | |
|Saturday | | | |
|Sunday | | | |
7. Describe the staffing pattern for your facility: Standard 8 hour day____ Varied schedules__X__
(Enter additional remarks in space below, including description of weekend physical therapy staffing pattern).
|Ken – 6 – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday |
|Jenn – 9-7PM, Monday- Wed; 2-8 Thursday, Friday 9-5 |
|Currently no weekends |
8. Indicate the number of full-time and part-time budgeted and filled positions:
| |Full-time budgeted |Part-time budgeted |
|PTs |2 |0 |
|PTAs |0 |0 |
|Aides/Techs |1 |1 |
9. Estimate an average number of patients per therapist treated per day by the provider of
physical therapy.
|0 |Individual PT |12-14 |Individual PT |
|0 |Individual PTA | |Individual PTA |
|0 |Total PT service per day |24-28 |Total PT service per day |
III. Available Learning Experiences
10. Please mark (X) the diagnosis related learning experiences available at your clinical site:
|C |Amputations | |Critical care/Intensive care |C |Neurologic conditions |
|X |Arthritis |X |Degenerative diseases |C | Spinal cord injury |
|X |Athletic injuries |X |General medical conditions | | Traumatic brain injury |
| |Burns | |General surgery/Organ Transplant |X | Other neurologic conditions |
| |Cardiac conditions |X |Hand/Upper extremity |C |Oncologic conditions |
|X |Cerebral vascular accident |X |Industrial injuries |X |Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal |
|X |Chronic pain/Pain | |ICU (Intensive Care Unit) | |Pulmonary conditions |
|X |Connective tissue diseases | |Mental retardation | |Wound Care |
|C |Congenital/Developmental | | |X |Other: Vestibular |
11. Please mark (X) all special programs/activities/learning opportunities available to students during clinical experiences, or as part of an independent study.
|X |Administration |X |Industrial/Ergonomic PT |X |Prevention/Wellness |
| |Aquatic therapy |X |Inservice training/Lectures | |Pulmonary rehabilitation |
| |Back school | |Neonatal care |X |Quality Assurance/CQI/TQM |
| |Biomechanics lab | |Nursing home/ECF/SNF | |Radiology |
| |Cardiac rehabilitation | |On the field athletic injury | |Research experience |
| |Community/Re-entry activities |* |Orthotic/Prosthetic fabrication |X |Screening/Prevention |
| |Critical care/Intensive care | |Pain management program |X |Sports physical therapy |
| |Departmental administration | |Pediatric-General (emphasis on): |X |Surgery (observation) |
|X |Early intervention | | Classroom consultation | |Team meetings/Rounds |
| |Employee intervention | | Developmental program |C |Women’s Health/OB-GYN |
|X |Employee wellness program | | Mental retardation |X |Work Conditioning |
| |Group programs/Classes |X | Musculoskeletal | |Wound care |
| |Home health program | | Neurological | |Other (specify below) |
| | | | | | |
*observation opportunity C = occasional
12. Please mark (X) all Specialty Clinics available as student learning experiences.
| |Amputee clinic | |Neurology clinic | |Screening clinics |
| |Arthritis | |Orthopedic clinic | | Developmental |
| |Feeding clinic | |Pain clinic | | Scoliosis |
| |Hand clinic | |Preparticipation in sports | |Sports medicine clinic |
| |Hemophilia Clinic | |Prosthetic/Orthotic clinic |X |Other (specify below) |
| |Industry | |Seating/Mobility clinic | | |
Depending on time of student internship possible sport screening at local races
13. Please mark (X) all health professionals at your clinical site with whom students might observe and/or interact.
|X |Administrators | |Health information technologists | |Psychologists |
| |Alternative Therapies | |Nurses | |Respiratory therapists |
| |Athletic trainers | |Occupational therapists | |Therapeutic recreation |
| | | | | |therapists |
| |Audiologists |X |Physicians (list specialties) | |Social workers |
| |Dietitians | |Physician assistants | |Special education teachers |
| |Enterostomal Therapist |X |Podiatrists |X |Vocational rehabilitation counselors |
| |Exercise physiologists |X |Prosthetists /Orthotists | |Others (specify below) |
Students are given the opportunity to observe/follow other health professionals as appropriate. Surgical observations, f/u w/ patients to physicians
14. List all PT and PTA education programs with which you currently affiliate.
|University of Washington | |
|Des Moines University | |
|Eastern Washington University | |
|University of Montana | |
|Pacific University | |
|Northwestern University | |
|Idaho State University | |
| | |
| | |
15. What criteria do you use to select clinical instructors? (mark (X) all that apply):
| |APTA Clinical Instructor Credentialing |X |Demonstrated strength in clinical teaching |
| |Career ladder opportunity | |No criteria |
| |Certification/Training course |X |Therapist initiative/volunteer |
|X |Clinical competence | |Years of experience |
| |Delegated in job description | |Other (please specify) |
16. How are clinical instructors trained? (mark (X) all that apply)
|X |1:1 individual training (CCCE:CI) | |Continuing education by consortia |
| |Academic for-credit coursework | |No training |
|X |APTA Clinical Instructor Credentialing | |Professional continuing education (eg, chapter, CEU course) |
| |Clinical center inservices | |Other (please specify) |
| |Continuing education by academic program | | |
17. On pages 9 and 10 please provide information about individual(s) serving as the CCCE(s), and on pages 11 and
12 please provide information about individual(s) serving as the CI(s) at your clinical site.
Please update as each new CCCE assumes this position.
|NAME: |Kenneth Call |Length of time as the CCCE: 3 yr |
|DATE: (mm/dd/yy) | |Length of time as the CI: 3 yr |
|PRESENT POSITION: |Mark (X) all that apply: |Length of time in clinical practice: |
|(Title, Name of Facility) |__X__PT | |
| |____PTA |13 years |
| |____Other, specify | |
|LICENSURE: (State/Numbers) | |Credentialed Clinical Instructor: |
| | |Yes___X___ No_______ |
|Washington PT00006307 | | |
|Eligible for Licensure: Yes____ No____ |Certified Clinical Specialist: |
| |Area of Clinical Specialization: |
| |Other credentials: |
| |FROM |TO | | |
|Des Moines Univerity (DMU), Des Moines Iowa |2003 |2004 |Physical Therapy |DPT |
|DMU (formerly UOMHS), Des Moinse Iowa |1992 |1994 |Physical Therapy |MSPT |
|Univ. of Utah, SLC, Utah |1987 |1991 |Health Care Provider |BS |
| | | |Emphasis | |
| | | | | |
SUMMARY OF PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT (For current and previous four positions since graduation from college; start with most current):
| | |FROM |TO |
|TAI- West Kennewick Physical Therapy |Director/Owner |1997 |Present |
|TAI- Richland Physical Therapy |Staff PT |1994 |1997 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION RELATED DIRECTLY TO CLINICAL TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES (for example, academic for credit courses [dates and titles], continuing education [courses and instructors], research, clinical practice/expertise, etc. in the last five years):
|CCI Course APTA 2004/5 | |
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| | |
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Provide the following information on all PTs or PTAs employed at your clinical site who are CIs.
| | | | | | | | |
|Name |School from Which |PT/PTA |Year of Graduation |No. of Years of |No. of Years of |Credentialed CI |L= Licensed, Number |
| |CI | | |Clinical Practice |Clinical Teaching | |E= Eligible |
| |Graduated | | | | |Specialist Certification|T= Temporary |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |Other | |
| | | | | | | |L/E/T |State of |
| | | | | | | |Number |Licensure |
|Kenneth Call |DMU |DPT |2004 |13 |0 |CI |L PT00006307 |Washington |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
(Continued on next page)
| | | | | | | | |
|Name |School from Which |PT/PTA |Year of Graduation |No. of Years of |No. of Years of |Credentialed CI |L= Licensed, Number |
| |CI | | |Clinical Practice |Clinical Teaching | |E= Eligible |
| |Graduated | | | | |Specialist Certification|T= Temporary |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |Other | |
| | | | | | | |L/E/T |State of |
| | | | | | | |Number |Licensure |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
18. Indicate professional educational levels at which you accept PT and PTA students for clinical
experiences (mark (X) all that apply).
| Physical Therapist |Physical Therapist Assistant |
|X |first experience | |First experience |
|X |intermediate experiences | |Intermediate experiences |
|X |final experience | |Final experience |
|X |Internship | | |
| |PT |PTA |
| |From |To |From |To |
|19. Indicate the range of weeks you will accept students for any single full-time (36 hrs/wk) |6 |15 | | |
|clinical experience. | | | | |
|20. Indicate the range of weeks you will accept students for any one part-time (< 36 hrs/wk) | | | | |
|clinical experience. | | | | |
| | | |
| |PT |PTA |
|21. Average number of PT and PTA students affiliating per year. |One | |
22. What is the procedure for managing students with exceptional qualities that might affect clinical
performance (eg, outstanding students, students with learning/performance deficits, learning disability, physically challenged, visually impaired)?
| |
|We prefer students coming here that have a strong interest in manual therapy. We are a very manual therapy based clinic. Students will be expected |
|to discuss and perform manipulation of extremities. |
| |
|We adapt teaching/observation/instruction to students needs but expect students coming during there final year of schooling to be functioning at an |
|entry level ability. When a student leaves here we expect them to be able to walk into any outpatient clinic and be able to assume staff therapist |
|responsibilities. |
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23. Answer if the clinical center employs only one PT or PTA. Explain what provisions are made for students if the clinical instructor is ill or away from the clinical site.
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|Yes |No | |
|X* | |24. Does your clinical site provide written clinical education objectives to students? |
| | |If no, go to # 27. |
| |25. Do these objectives accommodate: |
| | | the student’s objectives? |
| | | students prepared at different levels within the academic curriculum? |
| | | academic program's objectives for specific learning experiences? |
| | | students with disabilities? |
|X | |26. Are all professional staff members who provide physical therapy services acquainted with the clinical |
| | |site's learning objectives? |
*TAI has a student binder that each student is given on the first day or prior to first day.
27. When do the CCCE and/or CI discuss the clinical site's learning objectives with students?
(mark (X) all that apply)
|X |Beginning of the clinical experience |X |At mid-clinical experience |
| |Daily |X |At end of clinical experience |
|X |Weekly |X |Other: case specific goals as appropriate |
28. How do you provide the student with an evaluation of his/her performance? (mark (X) all that apply)
|X |Written and oral mid-evaluation |X |Ongoing feedback throughout the clinical |
| |Written and oral summative final evaluation |X |As per student request in addition to formal and ongoing written & oral |
| | | |feedback |
| |Student self-assessment throughout the clinical |X |Feed back is based on mutual understanding of what student needs |
|Yes |No | |
| | |Do you require a specific student evaluation instrument other than that of the affiliating academic program? If yes, please specify: |
OPTIONAL: Please feel free to use the space provided below to share additional information about your clinical site (eg, strengths, special learning opportunities, clinical supervision, organizational structure, clinical philosophies of treatment, pacing expectations of students [early, final]).
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Information for Students - Part II
I. Information About the Clinical Site
|Yes |No | |
|X | |1. Do students need to contact the clinical site for specific work hours related to the clinical experience? |
|X | |2. Do students receive the same official holidays as staff? |
| |X |3. Does your clinical site require a student interview? |
| |8 or 9 am | 4. Indicate the time the student should report to the clinical site on the first day |
| | | of the experience: (if student want to work earlier in the day can start earlier) |
Medical Information
We have accepted what schools have required for medical.
|Yes |No | |Comments |
| | |5. Is a Mantoux TB test required? | |
| | |one step_________ | |
| | |two step_________ | |
| |5a. If yes, within what time frame? | |
| | |6. Is a Rubella Titer Test or immunization required? | |
| | |7. Are any other health tests/immunizations required prior to the clinical experience? | |
| | a) If yes, please specify: | |
| |8. How current are student physical exam records required to be? | |
| | |9. Are any other health tests or immunizations required on-site? | |
| | a) If yes, please specify: | |
| | |10. Is the student required to provide proof of OSHA training? | |
| | |11. Is the student required to attest to an understanding of the | |
| | |benefits and risks of Hepatitis-B immunization? | |
| | |12. Is the student required to have proof of health insurance? | |
| | |Can proof be on file with the academic program or health center? | |
| | |13. Is emergency health care available for students? |Local MD/hospitals |
| | | a) Is the student responsible for emergency health care costs? |On own |
| | |14. Is other non-emergency medical care available to students? | |
| | |15. Is the student required to be CPR certified? |Preferred |
| | |(Please note if a specific course is required). | |
| | | a) Can the student receive CPR certification while on-site? |No |
| | |16. Is the student required to be certified in First Aid? | |
| | | a) Can the student receive First Aid certification on-site? | |
|Yes |No | |Comments |
| | |17. Is a criminal background check required (eg, Criminal Offender Record Information)? | |
| | | a) Is the student responsible for this cost? | |
| | |18. Is the student required to submit to a drug test? | |
| | |19. Is medical testing available on-site for students? | |
|Yes |No | | | |Comments |
|? | |20. Is housing provided for male students? |? we have someone in the community that has |
| | | |offered their home in the past but has to be|
| | | |arranged by student w/ them we will help |
| | | |make to contact and recommendation for the |
| | | |student |
|? | | for female students? (If no, go to #26) | |
|$ |21. What is the average cost of housing? |Details would need to be worked out w/ host |
| | |family. |
| |22. If housing is not provided for either gender: | |
| |a) Is there a contact person for information on housing in the area of the clinic? (Please|Contact clinic and we can supply list of |
| |list contact person and phone #). |apartments |
| |b) Is there a list available concerning housing in the area of the clinic? If yes, | |
| |please attach to the end of this form. | |
| |23. Description of the type of housing provided: | |
| |24. How far is the housing from the facility? | |
| |25. Person to contact to obtain/confirm housing: | |
| | Name: | | | |
| | Address: | |
| | City: |State: |Zip: | |
|Yes |No | |
|X | |26. Will a student need a car to complete the clinical experience? |We do have a good public transportation |
| | | |system. |
|X | |27. Is parking available at the clinical center? | |
|$none | a) What is the cost? | |
|X | |28. Is public transportation available? | |
| |29. How close is the nearest bus stop (in miles) to your site? |Across the street |
| |a) train station? | |
| |b) subway station? | |
| |30. Briefly describe the area, population density, and any safety issues regarding where |High growth area of the Tri-Cities. |
| |the clinical center is located. | |
| |31. Please enclose printed directions and/or a map to your facility. Travel directions can| |
| |be obtained from several travel directories on the internet. (eg, Delorme, Microsoft, | |
| |Yahoo). | |
|Yes |No | |Comments |
| |X |32. Are meals available for students on-site? (If no, go to #33) | |
| | | Breakfast (if yes, indicate approximate cost) |$________ |
| | | Lunch (if yes, indicate approximate cost) |$________ |
| | | Dinner (if yes, indicate approximate cost) |$________ |
|X | | a) Are facilities available for the storage and preparation of food? FRIG and Microwave | |
| | |available | |
| | | | |
|Yes |No | |Comments |
| |X |33. Is a stipend/salary provided for students? If no, go to #36 | |
|$ |a) How much is the stipend/salary? ($ / week) | |
| | |34. Is this stipend/salary in lieu of meals or housing? | |
| |35. What is the minimum length of time the student needs to be on the clinical experience | |
| |to be eligible for a stipend/salary? | |
If state PTWA meetings will discuss possible payment by clinic to attend with staff PT’s.
Special Information
|Yes |No | |Comments |
|X | |36. Is there a student dress code? If no, go to # 37. | |
| | |a) Specify dress code for men: |Nice professional attire |
| | |b) Specify dress code for women: |Nice professional attire |
|X | |37. Do you require a case study or inservice from all students? | |
|X | |38. Does your site have a written policy for missed days due to illness, emergency | |
| | |situations, other? | |
Other Student Information
|Yes |No | | | |
|X | |39. Do you provide the student with an on-site orientation to your clinical site? |
|(mark X) |a) What does the orientation include? (mark (X) all that apply) |
|X |Documentation/billing |X |Required assignments (eg, case study, diary/log, inservice) |
| |Learning style inventory |X |Review of goals/objectives of clinical experience |
|X |Patient information/assignments |X |Student expectations |
|X |Policies and procedures |X |Supplemental readings |
|X |Quality assurance |X |Tour of facility/department |
|X |Reimbursement issues | |Other (specify below) |
In appreciation...
Many thanks for your time and cooperation in completing the CSIF and continuing to serve the physical therapy profession as clinical teachers and role models. Your contributions to students’ professional growth and development ensure that patients today and tomorrow receive high-quality patient care services.
Saving the Completed Form……………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 2
Affiliated PT and PTA Educational Programs ………………………………………………………………….Page 8
Arranging the Experience ……………………………………………………………………………………Page 15
Required Background……………………………………………………………………………...…...Page 16
Required Medical Tests…………………………………………………………………………………Page 15
Available Learning Experiences……………………………………………………………………..……………..
Diagnosis………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 7
Health Professionals on Site………………………………………………………………………...…….Page 8
Specialty Clinics………………………………………………………………………………………....Page 7
Special Programs/Activities/Learning Opportunities……………………………………………………….Page 7
Center Coordinators of Clinical Education (CCCEs)………………………………………………………………
Education…………………………………………………………………………………………….….Page 9
Employment Summary……………………………………………………………...…………………....Page 9
Information……………………………………………………………………………………………...Page 9
Teaching Preparation…………………………………………………………………………………...Page 10
Clinical Instructors………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Information…………………………………………………………………………………………Page 11-12
Selection Criteria………………………………………………………………………………………...Page 8
Training…………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 8
Clinical Site Accreditation…………………………………………………………………………………..Page 5
Clinical Site Ownership……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 5
Clinical Site Primary Classification…………………………………………………………………………Page 5
Information about the Clinical Site……………………………………………………………………………..Page 3
Information about Physical Therapy Service
at Primary Center……………………………………………………………………………………Page 6
Satellite Site Information…………………………………………………………………………………Page 4
Physical Therapy Service…………………………………………………………………………………………...
Hours……………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 6
Number of Patients………………………………….…………………………………………………... Page 6
Staffing…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 6
Student Information………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Housing………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 16
Meals………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 17
Other…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 17
Stipends………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 17
Transportation…....…………………………………………………………………………………….Page 17
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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