Title 26 Guardian ad Litem Training - Washington State

Title 26 Guardian ad Litem Training

October 14, 15, 28 and 29th 2006

Kennewick, WA

Detach here and mail with payment.

Title 26 Guardian Ad Litem Training Registration Form

Name: ______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

City: _____________________ State: _______ Zip: ____________

Telephone: ______________________________________________________

Make Checks Payable to: Benton County Superior Court

Mail to: 7122 W. Okanogan Place Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99336

Registration fee on or before October 9, 2006 is $300.00 -- Registration fee after October 9, 2006 is $325.00

No refunds after October 13, 2006


October 14, 15, 28 and 29th, 2006

Saturday, October 14th

8:00-10:00 Introduction to Service Karen Kirk – CASA/GAL Program Coordinator

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-12:15 Interviewing Linda Waters-BA-CASA

12:15-1:15 Lunch On your own

1:15-2:15 Personal Safety Clay Vannoy-Benton County Sheriff Lieutenant

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-4:30 Chemical Dependency Shon Small-Benton County Sheriff Detective

Sunday, October 15th

8:00-10:00 Child Abuse and Neglect CPS Staff

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-12:15 Child Abuse and Neglect CPS Staff

12:15-1:15 Lunch On your own

1:15-3:15 Child Abuse and Neglect CPS Staff

3:15-3:30 Break

3:30-4:30 Systems and Resources Judy Paxton-Program Specialist

Saturday, October 28th

8:00-10:00 Investigation Bob Brockman-Benton County Sheriff Detective

10:00-10:15 Break

10:30-12:00 Mental Illness Michelle Wellington-M. Ed.

12:00-1:00 Lunch On your own

1:00-2:00 Ethics Sarah Thornton-Attorney at Law

2:00-2:15 Break

2:15-5:15 Law and Legal Process Jackie Stam-Attorney At Law

Sunday, October 29th

8:00-11:00 Child Development Molly Kuespert-Family Counselor MSW

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-1:15 Cultural Diversity Tina Khabir-Juvenile Justice Diversity Trainer -pending

1:15-2:15 Lunch On your own

2:15-3:15 Domestic Violence Erinn Gailey-Domestic Violence Services

3:15-3:30 Break

3:30-4:30 Domestic Violence Erinn Gailey-Domestic Violence Services

Training Location: Benton County Justice Center 509-736-3071 option 3 or 5

7122 West Okanogan Place

Kennewick, WA 99336



Sponsored by:

Benton/Franklin County

Superior Court

• Training complies with required AOC developed curriculum for Title 26 Guardians ad Litem (28 clock hours).

• The mentor requirement will not be addressed. You will be responsible for making your own arrangement for this requirement.

• Completion of this training does not guarantee placement on a court's registry. Contact your local court prior to registering for this training to determine if your local court has any additional requirements.

A confirmation letter with a map to the training location, and a list of local motels will be mailed upon receipt of your registration. For further information call (509) 736-3071 option 3 or 5

• Early Registration Fee: $300.00 (must be received on or before October 9, 2006).

• Late Registration Fee: $325.00 (received after October 9, 2006).

• NO refunds will be provided after October 13, 2006.

• A maximum of 50 participants will be registered.

• CLE credits have been applied for.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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