The Civil War Assignment & Presentation

The Civil War Assignment & Presentation

Presentation Date:

Research Topics:

1. The First Modern War/The War in the East & West

2. The Emancipation Proclamation 3. Military Life

4. The Road to Gettysburg/Gettysburg Address 5. Union Victories/South Surrenders

Assignment Objectives: Students will . . . .

1. assess the strengths and weakness of each region’s economy.

2. describe the progress of the war in the west.

3. contrast the effect of the war on the economies as well as evaluate the importance of events at Vicksburg and Gettysburg.

4. will gain a better understanding of The Civil War and how this event is an important part of history.


1. Students will be placed in teams. There will be a total of 5 teams.

2. Each group will be assigned a specific event that occurred during the Civil War.

3. Students are to conduct extensive research on their assigned topic.

4. Students need to compile a list of facts, pictures, any cause and effect information about their specific topic.

5. Once students complete their research, students are to create a power point presentation showcasing their research to present to their fellow peers.

6. Students need to include a works cited list.

7. Presentations are to be at least 10 minutes in length, no longer than 15 minutes.


• A rubric will be used to assess students grading.

Civil War Powerpoint Presentation Rubric

(Name):_______________________________________ Date:____________ Class: US History- Mrs. Pico-Lilio

Total Points Possible: 140

| |4 (20 points) |3 (15 points) |2 (10 points) |1 (5 points) |

|Text Elements |The fonts are easy-to read |Sometimes the fonts are |Overall readability is |The text is extremely |

| |and point size varies |easy-to-read. |difficult with lengthy |difficult to read with |

| |appropriately for headings |Long paragraphs, color or |paragraphs, too many |long blocks of text and |

| |and text. |background detracts and |different fonts, or busy |small point fonts. |

| |Text is appropriate in length|does not enhance |background. |Inappropriate contrasting |

| |and to the point. |readability. | |colors and poor use of |

| |The background and colors | | |headings. |

| |enhance the readability of | | | |

| |text. | | | |

|Layout |The layout is pleasing and |The layout uses horizontal|The layout shows some |The layout is cluttered |

| |contributes to the overall |and vertical space |structure, but appears |and confusing. |

| |message with appropriate use |appropriately. |cluttered and busy or | |

| |of headings and subheadings. | |distracting. | |

|Introduction |The introduction presents the|The introduction is clear |The introduction shows |The introduction does not |

| |overall topic and draws the |and relates to the topic. |some structure but does |orient the audience to |

| |audience into the | |not create a strong sense |what will follow. |

| |presentation. | |of what is to follow. | |

|Graphics/Animation |The graphics/animation assist|The graphics and/or |Some of the graphics |The graphics and/or |

| |in presenting an overall |animation visually depict |and/or animations seem |animation are unrelated to|

| |theme and make visual |material and assist the |unrelated to the topic and|the content. |

| |connections that enhance |audience in understanding |do not enhance overall | |

| |understanding of concept. |the content. |concepts. | |

|Content |Student demonstrates full |Student is at ease with |Student is uncomfortable |Student does not have |

| |knowledge. |content but fails to |with content and is able |grasp of information; |

| | |elaborate. |to demonstrate basic |students cannot answer |

| | | |concepts. |questions about subject. |

| | | | | |

|Grammar and Spelling |There are few grammatical |There are very few |There are grammatical |There are grammatical |

| |and/or spelling errors |grammatical and/or |and/or spelling errors |and/or spelling errors |

| |throughout piece that do not |spelling errors throughout|that regularly affect the |that make meaning |

| |affect the reader’s |the project that |reader’s understanding of |difficult. |

| |understanding of what is |occasionally affects the |what is being meant. | |

| |meant. |reader’s understanding of | | |

| | |what is being meant. | | |

|Reference Page |Works cited is completed |Works cited is completed |MLA format attempted with |There is an attempt to |

|Failure to turn in a Reference|correctly in MLA format. |in MLA format with minor |major errors. |cite source(s). |

|Page will result in a ZERO. |Failure to turn in a |errors. Failure to turn in|Failure to turn in a |Failure to turn in |

| |Reference Page will result in|a Reference Page will |Reference Page will |Reference Page will result|

| |a ZERO. |result in a ZERO. |result in a ZERO. |in a ZERO. |



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