On Kawara Date Painting(s) in New York and 136 Other ...

On Kawara Date Painting(s) in New York and 136 Other Cities January 6 - February 11, 2012

533 Front Gallery: Clockwise from South Wall

On Kawara_ 11 ABR. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966"La tercera noche consecutiva de violencia racial en Kansas City, Missouri." Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0236 XXX

On Kawara_ 28 SEP. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966"La actriz norteamericana Jane Fonda, casada con el director de cine franc?s Roger Vadim, dio a luz esta ma?ana a una ni?a. que recibi? el nombre de Vanessa." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0321 XXX

On Kawara_ 5 OCT. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966"En Tokio, el Campe?n Mundial de los pesos Ligeros en boxeo, el japon?s Hiroshi Kobayashi mantuvo hoy su t?tulo venciendo a Jaime Valladares del Ecuador." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0322 XXX

Mexico City Bogota Quito


On Kawara_ 16 OCT. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966"La Apolo-7 en el espacio y la XIX Olimp?ada en la Ciudad de M?xico." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0323 On Kawara_ 21 OCT. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966" EE. UU: 24...15...16; Uni?n Sovi?tica: 11...13...11; Francia: 5...1...3; Alem. Oriental: 4...4...3; Jap?n: 4...2...1; Hungr?a: 3...6...8; Australia: 3...5...3; Kenya: 3...4...1; Rumania: 3...2...0; Polonia: 3...0...7; Alem. Occ: 2...6...5; Pa?ses Bajos: 2...0...0; G. Breta?a: 2...2...1; Ir?n: 2...1...2; Checoslovaquia: 2...0...0; Turqu?a: 2...0...0; T?nez: 1...0...1; Yugoslavia: 1...0...0." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0324 On Kawara_ 29 NOV. 68, 1968 from "Today" series, 1966"Niebla y una masa de aire helado cubrieron el norte de Italia hoy, provocando un choque en cadena de cien autom?viles en la carretera de B?rgamo a Brescia en el que murieron tres personas y resultaron lesionadas 20 m?s." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0325

Lima Santiago Montevideo

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On Kawara_ 18 ENE. 69, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"Varios centenares de exaltados estudiantes resistieron hoy durante 10 horas en el ensangrentado recinto de la Universidad de Tokio, varias cargas de millares de polic?as, reforzados por helic?pteros." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0326 On Kawara_ 31 JAN. 1969, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"Nguyen Phu Doc, assessor especial du presidente Nguyn Van Thieu, partiu inesperadamente hoje para Washington a fim de conferenciar com funcionarios do governo de Richard Nixon sobre a nova divdergencia surgida entre as delega??es dos Estados Unidos e Vietn? do Sul nas conversa??es de Paris." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0327 On Kawara_ 7 FEV. 1969, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"Um ca?a-bombardeiro nigeriano 'Illyushin -18' lan?ou bombas hoje em um mercado da aldeia de Umuohiagu, em Biafra, matando, trezentas pessoas e ferindo quinhentas." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0328 On Kawara_ 24 FEV. 1969, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"Eu me levantei ?s 9.50 horas desta manh?." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0329

Asunci?n S?o Paulo Rio de Janeiro

Bras?lia page 3


On Kawara_ 24 FEV. 1969, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"VOA" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0470 On Kawara_ 1 MAR. 1969, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"Eu estou em Manaus." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0330 On Kawara_ 9 MAR. 69, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"S?ptuples en Etiop?a." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0331 On Kawara_ 12 MAR. 69, 1969 from "Today" series, 1966"El n?mero de espa?oles que se estima que han salido de Guinea ecuatorial en los ?ltimos d?as sobrepas? hoy los 2.000 con la llegada de 218 refugiados a bordo de un avi?n DC-8 de Iberia al Aeropuerto de Barajas de Madrid." Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0332

Bras?lia Manaus Caracas Panam?

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On Kawara_ AUG. 25, 1970, 1970 from "Today" series, 1966"BOAC passenger jet was forced to turn sharply today when three U.S. Air Force planes came too close to it near the coast of Vietnam. A BOAC spokesman said of 14 of the 114 passengers aboard the plane, flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong, were shaken up by the maneuver and required hospital treatment on arrival at Hong Kong." Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0333 On Kawara_ AUG. 27, 1970, 1970 from "Today" series, 1966"4,800 pounds of lead daily are being dumped into the lower Mississippi river." Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0334 On Kawara_ SEPT. 2, 1970, 1970 from "Today" series, 1966" Quebec's Premier Bourassa today challenged the Federal Government's jurisdiction over cable television in Quebec. 'Cable television is clearly a matter of provincial jurisdiction,' Mr. Bourassa said." Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0335 On Kawara_ 29 DEC. 1972, 1972 from "Today" series, 1966"Fredag" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0338

Buffalo Toronto Montreal Stockholm

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On Kawara_ 30. DEC. 1970, 1970 from "Today" series, 1966"Merkredo" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0336 On Kawara_ 18 FEB. 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Dimanco" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0339 On Kawara_ 24 FEB. 73, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"S?bado" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0340 On Kawara_ MAR. 14, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Wednesday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0341 On Kawara_ JUNE 5, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Tuesday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0342

Tok?o Casablanca Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Freetown Halifax

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On Kawara_ AUG. 22, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Wednesday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0396 On Kawara_ AUG. 24, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Friday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0346 On Kawara_ AUG. 27, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Monday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0345 On Kawara_ OCT. 10, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Wednesday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0347 On Kawara_ OCT. 12, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Friday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0429

Saint John Portland, Maine

Boston Pittsburgh Columbus, Ohio

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On Kawara_ OCT. 15, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Monday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0430 On Kawara_ OCT. 18, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Thursday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0348 On Kawara_ OCT. 21, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Sunday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0431 On Kawara_ OCT. 27, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Saturday" Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10 inches 20.3 x 25.4 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0432 On Kawara_ OCT. 31, 1973, 1973 from "Today" series, 1966"Wednesday" Acrylic on canvas 10 x 13 inches 25.4 x 33 cm Signed verso Accompanied with artist-made box and corresponding newspaper clipping KAWON0349

Indianapolis St. Louis Topeka Denver Santa Fe

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