Narrative Essay Rubric

Things WE Carry Pastiche Rubric Name

AP English Language and Composition Period

| |Brilliant |Accomplished |Developing |Beginning |

|Student follows assignment |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

| | | | | |

| |Essay is clearly narrative and|Essay is at times narrative |Essay is about a conflict, but|Student seems unsure of |

| |develops a conflict which |and focuses on a conflict |the narrative elements are |assignment requirements |

| |relates to a larger theme | |weak | |

|Title and Opening |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

| | |Title and/or opening are | | |

| |Title and opening clearly grab|better than most, but could be|Title and opening are present |Student seems to have spent |

| |the reader’s attention |more attention grabbing |and logical, but lack |little thought on title and/or|

| | | |originality |opening |

|Organization |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

| | | |Essay is overall logical, but | |

| |Essay is consistently focused |Essay is overall logical, and |is not clearly or consistently|Organization is unclear or |

| |and organization clearly |mostly imitates the structure |imitating the structure of |illogical and creates |

| |imitates the structure of |of O’Brien |O’Brien |confusion for reader |

| |O’Brien | | | |

|Details and Description; use |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

|of Dialogue | |Writer uses good concrete | | |

| |Writer uses excellent concrete|details which keep reader |Writer has some concrete |Writer uses few or no concrete|

| |details which enable the |engaged in essay, but there |details, but overall the |details; description, or lack |

| |reader to picture the |may be weaker points where |narrative is more difficult to|thereof, creates confusion |

| |narrative and remain engaged |reader becomes disengaged or |picture; reader has to work to| |

| |throughout essay |confused |keep engaged in essay | |

|Word Choice and Sentence |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

|Fluency |Powerful word choice; shows |Overall word choice enhances |Average, simple word choice; |Simple and/or inappropriate |

| |clear understanding of |essay but may not be as |may be repetitive; lacks |word choice; little or no |

| |vocabulary; sentences are easy|powerful as some; most |consistent sentence fluency |sentence fluency or variety; |

| |to read and show variety |sentences are easily read, but| |essay is consistently |

| | |essay may be unclear at points| |difficult to understand |

|Proofreading |5 points |4 points |3 points |2-0 points |

| | |Some errors in conventions are|Significant errors in | |

| |Very few errors in conventions|present (2 or fewer per page) |conventions (3 or fewer per |Essay does not seem to be |

| |(one or fewer per page) |but does not detract from |page) which at times detract |proofread; errors detract from|

| | |essay content |from essay content |essay content |

Total score: /30


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