|OCCASION FOR REFLECTION |Responses show that the writer |Responses show that the writer |Responses show that the writer |Responses show that the writer |

| |meets all the criteria listed in Score|presents the experience through use of|does not go deeply enough into the |assumes experience that prompted |

|Why do we view others this way? |Point 3. |concrete, sensory language, |reflection. |reflection is implicit in the |

|A reflection on your process of |memorably presents the experience for |quotations, and narrative accounts |talks too much about himself/herself |response. |

|discovery through your chosen novel. |the reflection. |that effectively use dialogue, action,|instead of the discovery experience. | |

| |uses extended detail from threads, |and pacing. |uses concrete detail. | |

| |like a writer. |effectively focuses on use of identity| | |

| |uses language to be convincing. |wheels, including related experiences | | |

| |shows great depth of thought. |and observations. | | |

| |is creative and original. | | | |

| |reveals ideas through use of | | | |

| |comparison and imagery. | | | |

|REFLECTION |meets the criteria listed on Score |is thoughtful, convincing, insightful,|is limited to flimsy generalizations. |uses only simple, obvious statements. |

|exploring |Point 3 |and exploratory. | | |

|analyzing |implicitly reveals feelings and |Is firmly grounded in the subject. | | |

| |thoughts through presentation of the |reveals a strong connection between | | |

| |experience for oneself and their |the other and oneself | | |

| |other.. |analyzes the experience by looking at | | |

| |makes the reader understand the |more than one angle. | | |

| |identities underlying the reflection |explores the subject in personal and | | |

| |through use of specific detail. |general reflections. | | |

|WRITING STRATEGIES |effectively uses writing strategies to|uses a variety of writing strategies. |uses few purposeful writing |does not attempt to elaborate ideas or|

|- using specific, concrete details |enhance reflection. |uses specific, concrete details to |strategies. |elaborates only through repetition of |

|- comparing, contrasting | |make the reflection clear to the |uses some details and sensory |the initial statement. |

|- naming, describing | |reader. |language. | |

|- explaining possibilities | | | | |

|COHERENCE AND STYLE |consistently uses appropriate |achieves unity through a natural |uses only simple, generic language. |does not have coherence in writing. |

| |language. |progression of ideas. |has lapses in coherence. |is not organized in writing. |

|MLA format |shows deep insight through a natural |uses precise language. |has the tendency to digress. |writes in fragments |

|Formal essay style (intro-, body, |flow of ideas and an effective | | | |

|conclusion) |conclusion. | | | |

Rubric: Visual Aid for Identity and Otherness Project

|Criteria |A |B |C |D |

|Occasion for |At least 3 belief systems from|At least 3 belief systems |At least 2 belief systems from|1 belief system from your |

|Visual Aid |your identity wheel are |from your identity wheels are|your identity wheels are |identity wheels are visually |

| |visually represented |visually represented |visually represented |represented |

|Present commonalities and |Thoughtful consideration for |For the most part, |Some consideration for |Little consideration for |

|differences you have |presentation of these |consideration for |presentation of these |presentation of the identities|

|discovered between yourself|identities is evident |presentation of these |identities is evident |is evident. |

|and your other. | |identities is evident | | |

|Content |Content is clearly displayed |Content is clearly displayed |Content is not clearly |Content is hard to read and |

| |and easy to read from the back|and easy to read from the |displayed and is difficult to |cannot be viewed except for |

|Work should be able to |of the room |center of the room |read from the center of the |being up close. |

|stand alone and not require|Reflects thoughtful |Reflects mostly thoughtful |room |Struggles to provide |

|your explanation. |consideration of the other and|consideration of the other |Reflects some thoughtful |thoughtful consideration of |

| |self. |and self. |consideration of the other and|the other and self. |

| |Draws parallels between |Attempts to draw parallels |self. |Struggles to draw parallels |

| |identities |between identities |Struggles to draw parallels |between identities |

| | | |between identities | |

|Creativity |Work is neat and organized |Work is mostly neat and |Work struggles with neatness |Work is missing neatness and |

| |Choices made for visual aid |organized |and organization |organization |

|Your work should reflect |reflect thoughtful |Choices made for visual aid |Choices made for visual aid |Choices made for visual aid |

|the uniqueness of you and |consideration. |reflect some thoughtful |reflect a struggle with |reflect an apathy for |

|your other. Imagery, |This project has a WOW-factor.|consideration. |thoughtful consideration. |thoughtful consideration. |

|color, font choice and | |This project reflects a clear| | |

|platform (mode of | |attempt at the WOW-factor. | | |

|presentation) should be | | | | |

|thoughtfully considered. | | | | |


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