Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008 - NHSGGC


This bi-monthly bulletin covers a wide range of community nursing topics and should be of interest to practice nurses, health visitors, school nurses and others working in this area.

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at

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This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Contents Page

Recent publications- Scotland, UK and International 2

Community nursing staff and services 2

Antenatal and Postnatal care 4

Children and Adolescents 4

Adults 6

Health promotion 7

New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network 7

Compiled by:

Tracey McKee

Specialist Librarian

Maria Henderson Library, Admin Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital

T: 0141 211 3913 F: 0141 211 0348 E:

Recent publications- Scotland, UK and International

***hold down the Ctrl key and click on the title to launch a copy***

Health Inequalities Tool (test version)

New tool from the Scottish Public Health Observatory

Study of Community Health Partnerships (CHPs)

New Scottish Government research report May 2010


The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland

New strategy from the Scottish Government May 2010

New helpline for men suffering from domestic abuse

Scottish Government news article

GP Patient Experience Survey 2009/2010 provisional results

Scottish Government survey

Draft National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland Consultation

Consultation runs until 1th September 2010

Management of patients with stroke: rehabilitation, prevention and management of complications, and discharge planning

New guidance from SIGN

Diagnosis and management of idiopathic childhood constipation in primary and secondary care

New guidance from NICE

The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men

New guidance from NICE

Recognition and treatment of neonatal jaundice

New guidance from NICE

Breastfeeding Statistics May 2010

New report from ISD Scotland

NHS Smoking Cessation Service Statistics 2009

New report from ISD Scotland

Community nursing staff and services

Amin, M., Martin, S., Turney, N., Gregory, S., & O'Donnell, A. (2010). Evaluation of a return to practice health visiting scheme. Community Practitioner, 83(3), 25-28.

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Bowler, M. (2010). Training staff to empower people with long term conditions to undertake self care activities. Nursing Times, 106(9), 14-16.

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Chang, L., Shih, C., & Lin, S. (2010). The mediating role of psychological empowerment on job satisfaction and organizational commitment for school health nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(4), 427-433.

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Cheater, F. M. (2010). Improving primary and community health services through nurse-led social enterprise. Quality in Primary Care, 18(1), 5-7.

Cubby, A., & Bowler, M. (2010). Community matrons and long-term conditions: An inside view. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(2), 71-76.

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Davies, S., Jenkins, E., & Mabbett, G. (2010). Emotional intelligence: District nurses' lived experiences. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), 141-146.

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Edouard-Trevathan, E. (2010). The clinical nurse leader: A catalyst in community healthcare transformation. Nurse Leader, 8(2), 25-28.

Griggs, C. (2010). Community nurses' perceptions of a good death: A qualitative exploratory study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 16(3), 140-149.

Hägglund, D. (2010). District continence nurses' experiences of their continence service in primary health care. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(2), 225-233.

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Holloway, A. (2010). Moving between settings. Nursing Standard, 24(33), 64-64.

A look at nurses' capcity to shift from acute to community care. Click for full text via Athens

Johnson, M. L., Rodriguez, H. P., & Solorio, M. R. (2010). Case-mix adjustment and the comparison of community health center performance on patient experience measures. Health Services Research, 45(3), 670-690.

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Kayley, J. (2010). IV training is important for community nurses. British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 19(5), S3-S3. Click for full text via Athens

King, N., Melvin, J., Ashby, J., & Firth, J. (2010). Community palliative care: Role perception. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(2), 91-98.

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Kolehmainen, N., Francis, J., & Duncan, E. (2010). Community professionals' management of client care: A mixed methods systematic review. J Health Services Research & Policy, 15(1)

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McHale, J. V. (2010). Nurse prescribing: Does more responsibility mean more litigation? British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 19(5), 315-317.

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Philibin, C., Griffiths, C., Byrne, G., Horan, P., Brady, A., & Begley, C. (2010). The role of the public health nurse in a changing society. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(4), 743-752.

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Streeting, J. (2010). Observations from QK. Community Practitioner, 83(4), 38-39.

Personal reflections on being the full-time school nurse working within a multidisciplinary student support team at one London secondary school.

Syson, G., & Bond, J. (2010). Integrating health and social care teams in salford. Journal of Integrated Care, 18(2), 17-24.

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Szeto, G., Law, K. Y., Lee, E., Lau, T., Chan, S. Y., & Law, S. (2010). Multifaceted ergonomic intervention programme for community nurses: Pilot study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1022-1034.

. Click for ABSTRACT only via Athens

Tanya, H., Jennifer, O., Jessie, M., Laure, P., Gabrielle, K., & Craig, C. (2010). Interventions to improve question formulation in professional practice and self-directed learning. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 5

Unsworth, J. (2010). Health visiting registration: Wrong battle, wrong reasons. Br J Community Nursing, 15(4)

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Walsh, D. (2010). Tailored leadership. Nursing Management - UK, 17(1), 37-37. Click for full text via Athens

Watson, P. (2010). A week in the life of a school nurse. Nursing in Practice.2010 Mar/Apr.Pp.38-9,

Young, K., & Duggan, L. (2010). Consulting with patients: The structure of history taking... first of 3 articles. Journal of Community Nursing, 24(2), 30-32.

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Antenatal and Postnatal care

Lunt, J. (2010). Health visitors support new parents with NHS baby LifeCheck. Primary Health Care, 20(2), 26-27.

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Mulcahy, R., Reay, R. E., Wilkinson, R. B., & Owen, C. (2010). A randomised control trial for the effectiveness of group interpersonal psychotherapy for postnatal depression. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 13(2), 125-139.

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Osborn, K., & Lyons, M. (2010). Is bottled water really unsafe for making up infant formula? Community Practitioner, 83(3), 31-34.

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Scales, M. (2010). Baby LifeCheck: Helping to support new parents. Nursing in Practice.2010 Mar/Apr.Pp.52-4,

Children and Adolescents

A, Z. A., Nigel, O., Adam, B., Katrina, W., & M, W. D. (2010). Iron supplementation for breath-holding attacks in children. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 5

Allcock, D. (2010). The role of the paediatric community matron. Nursing in Practice.2010 Mar/Apr.Pp.46-50,

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Beddoes, P., & James, E. (2010). Abortion: Procedures, law, and issues of confidentiality. Br J School Nursing, 5(1)

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Burton, L. (2010). An integrated approach: Positive multi-agency teamworking to safeguard children. Community Practitioner, 83(3), 16-16.

Cawley, J., Hull, H. F., & Rousculp, M. D. (2010). Strategies for implementing school-located influenza vaccination of children: A systematic literature review. Journal of School Health, 80(4), 167-175.

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Devlin, E. (2010). A nurse-led school drop-in service. Learning Disability Practice, 13(2)

Emery, S., Lee, J., Curry, S. J., Johnson, T., Sporer, A. K., Mermelstein, R., et al. (2010). Finding needles in a haystack: A methodology for identifying and sampling community-based youth smoking cessation programs. Evaluation Review, 34(1), 35-51.

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France, J., & Smith, T. (2010). Partnership working to fund and develop school nursing leaflets. Br J School Nursing, 5(1).

Hanson, S. (2010). Empowering change. Community Practitioner, 83(4), 36-37.

Reflections on a research project in which a specialist health visitor is working in partnership with families where children are at risk of obesity.

Heywood, J. (2010). Childhood disability: Ordinary lives for extraordinary families. Community Practitioner, 83(4), 19-22.

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Ives, M., & Melrose, S. (2010). Immunizing children who fear and resist needles: Is it a problem for nurses?. Nursing Forum, 45(1), 29-39.

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Karla, S., Harriet, M., Irit, B., Elad, G., Femi, P., & Nigel, C. (2010). Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhoea: Vaccines in use. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 5

Lamb, S. (2010). Relaxation: Teaching students to cope with stress and anxiety. Br J School Nursing, 5(2)

Neilson, S., Kai, J., & MacArthur, C. (2010). Exploring the experiences of community-based children's nurses providing palliative care. Paediatric Nursing, 22(3)

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Rivers, C. L. (2010). School nurse interventions in managing functional urinary incontinence in school-age children. Journal of School Nursing (Sage Publications Inc.), 26(2), 115-120.

Spear, H. J. (2010). School nurses and teachers: Attitudes regarding inclusion of breastfeeding education in school curricula. Journal of School Nursing (Sage Publications Inc.), 26(2), 137-146.

Staines, R. (2010). School nurses can help identify children with undiagnosed autism. Paediatric Nursing, 22(2), 7.

Swann, C. (2010). Helping prevent children from taking up smoking, in schools. British Journal of School Nursing, 5(2), 61-61.

Watkins, J. (2010). Atopic eczema in children: Diagnosis and management. Br J School Nursing, 5(2)

Weston, F. (2010). Supporting children and young people with anxiety. British Journal of School Nursing, 5(2), 87-91. Click for full text via Athens

Yadav, V., O'Reilly, M., & Karim, K. (2010). Secondary school transition: Does mentoring help 'at risk' children? Community Practitioner, 83(4)

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Adderley, U. J. (2010). Managing wound exudate and promoting healing.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), S15-16, 18, 20.

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Alsop, A. (2010). Collaborative working in end-of-life care: Developing a guide for health and social care professionals. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 16(3), 120-125.

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Ayyar, A., Varman, S., De Bhaldraithe, S., & Singh, I. (2010). The journey of care for the frail older person. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 71(2), 92-96.

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Ballard, J. (2010). Legal implications regarding self-neglecting community-dwelling adults: A practical approach for the community nurse in ireland. Public Health Nursing, 27(2)

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Cassia, B., & Ranford-Mills, M. (2010). Introducing high dose steroid therapy for MS relapses into the community. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(1), 28-31.

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Chamanga, E. T. (2010). How can community nurses improve quality of life for patients with leg ulcers? Nursing Times, 106(10), 15-17.

Conrad, A. M., Lewin, T. J., Carr, V. J., Baker, A., Terry, M. A., & Taylor, A. (2010). Pathways to care and community-based service contact patterns among clients with a dual diagnosis. Mental Health and Substance use: Dual Diagnosis, 3(1), 10-24.

Cramp, M. C., Greenwood, R. J., Gill, M., Lehmann, A., Rothwell, J. C., & Scott, O. M. (2010). Effectiveness of a community-based low intensity exercise programme for ambulatory stroke survivors. Disability & Rehabilitation, 32(3), 239-247.

Cruickshank, S., Adamson, E., Logan, J., & Brackenridge, K. (2010). Using syringe drivers in palliative care within a rural, community setting: Capturing the whole experience. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 16(3), 126-132.

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Ewing, G., Griffiths, J., & Rogers, M. (2010). Resources exchanged between district nurses and palliative patients in early support visits at home. Palliative Medicine, 24(2), 217-217.

James, N. (2010). Supporting parents with a learning disability. Learning Disability Practice, 13(2), 12-17.

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Kang-Yi, C. D., & Gellis, Z. D. (2010). A systematic review of community-based health interventions on depression for older adults with heart disease. Aging & Mental Health, 14(1), 1-19.

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Katakura, N., Yamamoto-Mitani, N., & Ishigaki, K. (2010). Home-visit nurses' attitudes for providing effective assistance to clients with schizophrenia. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(2), 102-109. Click for full text via Athens

Lloyd, H. (2010). Subcutaneous chemotherapy in the community. Journal of Community Nursing, 24(2), 14.

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Logan, P. A., Coupland, C. A., Gladman, J. R., Sahota, O., Stoner-Hobbs, V., Robertson, K., et al. (2010). Community falls prevention for people who call an emergency ambulance after a fall: Randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 340, 2102. Click for ABSTRACT only via Athens

McCausland, D., Guerin, S., Tyrrell, J., Donohoe, C., O'Donoghue, I., & Dodd, P. (2010). Self-reported needs among older persons with intellectual disabilities in an irish community-based service. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(2), 381-387.

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Ojo, O. (2010). Home enteral nutrition NICE guidelines and nutrition support in primary care.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), 116-118, 120.

Palfreyman, S., & Stevens, J. (2010). Use of hydrofilm and hydrofilm plus in the community: An assessment.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), S34, S36-40.

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Paul, F. (2010). Tracheostomy care and management in general wards and community settings: Literature review. Nursing in Critical Care, 15(2)

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Powell, G. (2010). Hydrogel sheet dressings and short-stretch cohesive bandaging: Case study.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), S42, S44-46. Click for full text via Athens

Spencer, J. (2010). Type 2 diabetes and hypertension in older adults: A case study. Nursing Standard, 24(32), 35-39.

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Wearden AJ. Dowrick C. Chew-Graham C. Bentall RP. Morriss RK. Peters S. Riste L. Richardson G. Lovell K. Dunn G. Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation (FINE) trial writing group and the FINE trial group. (2010). Nurse led, home based self help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome: Randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 340, 1777.

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Weichselbaum, E. (2010). Potential benefits of probiotics--main findings of an in-depth review.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), 110, 112, 114.

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Health promotion

Ripat, J. D., Redmond, J. D., & Grabowecky, B. R. (2010). The winter walkability project: Occupational therapists' role in promoting citizen engagement.. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy.Revue Canadienne d'Ergotherapie, 77(1), 7-14.

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Skingley, A., & Bungay, H. (2010). The silver song club project: Singing to promote the health of older people.. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(3), 135-140.

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New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network

A selection of recently published resources held across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Libraries. Items can be sent to your nearest site for collection. If you would like to search the full NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Library Catalogue you can do so from any NHSNet PC via the following web address:

Jansen, Michaelene, P. ; Zwygart-Stauffacher, Mary

Advanced practice nursing: core concepts for professional role development

4th ed.

Springer Publishing, 2010

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.730692 JAN

Baughan, Jacqui ; Smith, Ann

Caring in nursing practice

Pearson Education, 2009

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.730699 BAU

West, Sue ; Clark, Tim ; Jasper, Melanie

Enabling learning in nursing and midwifery practice: a guide for mentors

John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2007

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.73 WES

O'Rourke, Robert A ; Walsh, Richard ; Fuster, Valentin

Hurst's the heart: manual of cardiology

12th ed.

McGraw-Hill Medical, 2009

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 616.12 ORO

Jolley, Jeremy

Introducing research and evidence-based practice for nurses

Pearson Education, 2010

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 610.73072 JOL

Huber, Diane L

Leadership and nursing care management

4th ed

Saunders, 2010

Robert Lamb Library, Inverclyde Royal Hospital 610.7306 HUB

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Library WY 105 HUB

Crouch, Sandra ; Chapelhow, Carol

Medicines management: a nursing perspective

Pearson Education Limited, 2008

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 615.1068 CRO

Jevon, Philip ; Payne, Elizabeth ; Higgins, Dan ; Endacott, Ruth

Medicines management: a guide for nurses

Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 100 JEV 2010

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 615.1068 JEV

Evans, Debbie ; Allen, Helen

Mental health nursing made incredibly easy

Wolters Kluwer, 2009

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 616.890231 EVA

Larrabee, June

Nurse to nurse evidence-based practice: expert interventions

McGraw-Hill Medical, 2009

Robert Lamb Library, Inverclyde Royal Hospital 610.73 LAR

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 610.73 LAR

McCray, Janet

Nursing and multi-professional practice

Sage, 2009

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.73 MCC

Carpenito-Moyet, Lynda Juall

Nursing care plans and documentation: nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems

5th ed

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009

Robert Lamb Library, Inverclyde Royal Hospital 610.73 CAR

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 610.73 CAR

Kleinpell, Ruth M.

Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing

2nd ed.

Springer Publishing, 2009

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.730692 KLE

Finkelman, Anita ; Kenner, Carole

Professional nursing concepts: competencies for quality leadership

Jones and Bartlett, 2009

Royal Alexandra Hospital Library 610.73069 FIN

Woods, Phil ; Kettles, Alyson M.

Risk assessment and management in mental health nursing

Blackwell, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 WOO 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 WOO 2009

Masters, Kathleen

Role development in professional nursing practice

2nd ed.

Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009

James Bridie Library Victoria Infirmary 610.73 MAS

Funnell, Edith M

Aids to hygiene for nurses: a complete textbook for the nurse

4th ed.

Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1954

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Library WY 100 FUN (Strong Coll)

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Sources used for this bulletin :

Medline, Embase, British Nursing Index, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Scottish Government, SIGN, NICE, ISD Scotland, Scottish Public Health Observatory, NHSGGC Library Catalogue


Community Nursing

May 2010




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