NURS 276Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing II TheorySPRING SEMESTER 2017Instructors:Mary Foraker, MSN, RN, CNL Debi Ingraffia-Strong, MSN, RNEdda Gibson, MS, APRN-BC, CCRNNURS 276: ADVANCED medical surgical nursing II theory3 Credits: Theory (45 clock hours)Prerequisite courses: Successful completion of second year of nursing program fall semester.Corequisite courses: NURS 277Course DescriptionAssist students to gain knowledge of nursing care for the patient experiencing primary threats to physiological integrity due to multisystem function. The student will apply the nursing process to address needs in the psycho/social/cultural and spiritual domains that emerge with primary threats to physiological integrity. Related legal and ethical issues are applied throughout the course.COURSE OBJECTIVESUpon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:Comprehend and apply college level written material. Integrate theory necessary to perform complex nursing interventions to meet the bio/psycho/social/cultural/spiritual needs of patients in acute care settings.Integrate pathophysiology, pharmacology and nutritional therapies to analyze effective care for patients experiencing complex alterations in health. Expand upon the nursing management and evaluation of persons with complex alterations using the nursing process and Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs as a guiding framework.Describe the role of prevention, health promotion and health maintenance as they related to complex health alterations.Apply concepts of cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity to the care of patients from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures. Define diagnostic criteria for a variety of complex alterations in health. Depict the relationship of various therapeutic modalities on patient recovery for a number of disease states. Analyze legal and ethical implications for persons experiencing multi-system dysfunction. Apply critical thinking to provide cost effective, quality care for clients/patients. Utilize technology in accessing and in presenting information.Explore advances and trends in clinical nursing related to selected content areas.Linkage of the course to nursing program educational outcomes Incorporate principles from the bio/psycho/social sciences, mathematics, literacy, and nursing in the provision of patient care.Apply the nursing process in a caring manner to safely meet the holistic needs of patients across the lifespan. Utilize a broad range of communication skills to promote understanding.Utilize a spirit of inquiry to integrate current evidence-based guidelines and nursing science when making clinical practice decisions.Apply concepts of caring, cultural sensitivity, and respect for all persons.Apply concepts of teaching and learning to empower patients and families to effectively manage healthcare.Incorporate principles of collaboration and teamwork with patients, families, and the health care team to achieve patient-centered care. Provide and manage care that reflects values of nursing within professional standards and legal parameters of the profession.methods of instructionClassroom: Lecture/cooperative learning, problem posing, case studies, concept mappingLearning Activities: HESI Case Studies and Practice Tests, HESI Proctored Assessments, Simulation Lab ScenariosMaterials: Required reading, audiovisual materials, assigned exercises; supplementary handouts, & course WNC online (canvas) enhanced for syllabus, assignments, email, discussion, chat room and grades.methods of evaluationExam 1100 pointsExam 2100 pointsExam 3100 pointsFinal Exam200 pointsHESI Standardized TestFocus review topics/practice test/remediation specific point allocation follows 35 pointsVideotaped Simulation Evaluation 30 points16 Adaptive Quizzes (EAQ) from Evolve (10 points each)Must be present in class to obtain points. Lowest 2 grades will be dropped.140 pointsStudent Driven Presentation: Groups of three students will present a five minute clinical scenario accompanied by an APA paper related to clinical diagnosis outlining safety, comfort, and prevention concepts.50 pointsTotal Possible Points – Must attain at least 375 exam points in order to attain a passing grade of C and progress in the nursing program.755 Total pointsCourse Grading Policy: The overall course grade is calculated by totaling all of the points earned from the exams and assignments. Please refer to the Nursing Program Student Handbook for objective criteria for theory grading and the grade distribution in nursing courses.Total points for the course is 775. Students must have a cumulative score of at least 566 in order to receive a passing grade of C (75%) and progress within the nursing program. Students must receive a grade of C or better in NURS 276 and a pass grade in NURS 277 in order to progress in the program. If the student is unsuccessful in any of these courses during the semester, both courses must be repeated.Evolve Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ):Each week EAQ is assigned for student completion prior to class for credit. These are quiz questions that are linked to the chapter required readings. Students must be Students must be present in class to receive EAQ points, and if not completed prior to class no credit will be awarded. Students must attain a mastery level of 2 or a minimum of 40 questions attempted for quiz points to be credited. The lowest EAQ score will be dropped.The access code for EAQ is: Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing? COURSE ID: 152009_dingraffiastrong_1001?INSTRUCTOR: Debi IngraffiastrongWithdrawal Policy: The last day to drop a course with a “W” is April 1, 2016 otherwise the grade earned for the course will be recorded.Examinations: All exams are taken online in the WNC Computer lab (see course schedule for specific dates/times). Students will have one week from the time they receive their exam score to express concerns about an exam question or exam score. They should notify the appropriate faculty (each instructor who wrote the exam questions needing review) via e-mail. The faculty will schedule a time for test-review with the student during office hours. Any exam question, concern or debate regarding exam questions must be submitted via email to the appropriate faculty in APA format and rationale referenced per APA within one week of the exam for consideration. Any students caught cheating on an exam, quiz, or assignment will receive a 0. No exceptions. Refer to criteria for exam taking. Elsevier HESI Resources & Integrated Testing: Elsevier HESI Integrated Course (Patient Reviews with HESI RN Case Studies, Practice Tests, and EAQ for the NCLEX-RN) -157023_dingraffiastrong_1001 HESI Case Studies are assigned for specific theory classes. 10 points will be awarded for each completed Case Study. No points will be given for late submissions.?End of course: Medical/Surgical Integrated test: A comprehensive test that evaluates the understanding of medical-surgical comprehension.The HESI Exams do not count toward the students’ exam grade. Students must still pass all regular course examinations with a minimum average of 75% or greater in order to pass the course. HESI Course Practice Examinations provide the opportunity to develop NCLEX Exam preparedness and review of course content. Med/Surg focus tests of specific content are available throughout the semester with remediation available for all questions. This is a study aid and student resource for remediation of course content. There are not any course points awarded for practice tests, however they are very helpful tool for student learning. Assignments: Refer to the student handbook for policies on legibility, completion of written assignments, and grading policies. APA format will be used for all references and citations when requested by instructor.Students are expected to abide by the WNC Code of Student Conduct in all of their classes Plagiarism is a particularly serious violation, as outlined in the WNC policy manual, Academic Integrity section of code #3-4-5. It will not be tolerated!Written work submitted late will not be accepted. Student Driven All-System Review Presentations:Topics for the ‘All System Review” student presentations will be posted by March 15, 2016. Groups of 3 students will develop a clinical scenario based on information covered in NURS 276. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes so time should be used wisely. A 3 - 5 page APA paper written by each individual student will be submitted with the presentation. Grading rubric and specific criteria will be posted with the topics March 15. Videotaped Simulation Evaluations:Each student will be required to pass a videotaped simulation of clinical scenario Week 11. The student will be evaluated on clinical competency and nursing judgement to determine safe practice prior to Practicum. Time allowed for this scenario based evaluation will be 45 minutes. A rubric will be provided to the student preceding the simulation.WNC online (Canvas) Course RequirementsThis course utilizes WNC online (Canvas) to provide handouts and communicate with students. Students will need to have the skills necessary to use the internet and a basic understanding of how to download and print documents from the internet. You should also know how to use a word processor that will save in an .rtf or .doc or html format to type and submit papers via the web. Tutorial link and frequently asked questions and answers regarding this online platform are available at Canvas technical support for faculty and student is available 24/7 by phone or text chat (855-308-2493). Canvas help can be accessed by clicking on the help link at the top right of the canvas home page.resourcesDoenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M.F., Murr, A.C. (2013). Nurse’s Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales (13th ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.Gahart, B., & Nazareno, A. (2016). Intravenous medications. (33rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.Halter, M. J. (2014). Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (2014). St. Louis: MosbyLewis, S., Heitkekmper, M.E., Dirksen, S., O’Brien, P.G., Bucher, L. (2014). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (9th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. and the companion CDLilley, L., Rainforth Collins, S., Harrington, S., & Snyder, J. (2014) Pharmacology and the Nursing Process (7th edition) St. Louis: MosbyECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy (5th ed).? Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ***PDF? Parts I - IVDisability Support ServicesAny student needing to request accommodations for a specific disability, counseling and/or testing support to please meet with the DSS coordinator (445-3275) at your earliest convenience to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations. The DSS office is located in Bristlecone building, Room 103.Nursing Faculty InformationMary Foraker MSN, RNOffice:Cedar 215Nursing InstructorOffice phone:(775) 445-4279Mary.foraker@wnc.eduCell phone:(775) 901-6663Edda GibsonMS, APRN, CCRNOffice:Cedar 228Professor of NursingOffice phone:(775) 445-4273Edda.gibson@wnc.eduCell phone:(775) 846-8990Debi Ingraffia-Strong MSN, RNOffice: Cedar 231Professor of NursingOffice phone: (775) 445-3334Deborah.Ingraffia@wnc.eduCell phone: (775) 901-0612Office hours are posted outside of office door and on the WNC website. Always available by appointment in office or on-line!VIII. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITYThe student is responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures of the college and the nursing program that define appropriate student behavior in NURS 276.The student is responsible for prompt communication with the instructor for any student concern or information needed to be successful in NURS 276.The student is responsible for acquiring the necessary technology skills needed to access WNC online for unit objectives, assignments and handouts, testing and communicate between the instructor and other students.The student is encouraged to request accommodations for a specific disability. The student needs to notify the instructor of appropriate accommodations. The student needs to coordinate the accommodations with Susan Trist (the DSS coordinator: phone 445-3275) located in Bristlecone, Room 103 as soon as possible to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations.Student absences will be acknowledged by each faculty member to determine if there is an ongoing problem. Absences will be dealt with on a one to one basis between the student and the instructors and Director of Allied Health. Students must be present in class to receive EAQ Quiz points.Classroom CommunityIt is important that each person that attends this class have all the opportunity possible to master this content. Every member of this class has the right to participate freely in the class activities without interruption or feeling insecure or insignificant. In order for this to occur, certain classroom conduct is expected. To following outlines behaviors that are expected of the students and instructors.Each member of the community is important to that community as any other member.Every member of the classroom community deserves the right to speak his or her own thoughts as long as those thoughts do not intentionally hurt another.No member of the community has the right to interfere in the exercise of another member’s right to speak: when a member is speaking no one else should. All members of the community are expected to attend class and become involved in the topic of the day. The benefit of coming to class is in networking with your peers and coming to a better understanding of the topics discussed. Your attendance at class benefits all. Because time is limited and much content is covered it is important that the class begin at the appointed hour. Those who arrive late have the following responsibilities: Enter classroom prepared to participate. Do not make noise emptying book bags.Take the first available seat near the door.Ask nearest student for directions as quietly as possible6.The only learning materials allowed in the classroom are those directly related to the activities of the class. All other materials, cell phone, PDA’s newspapers, magazines must be put away. Shut off all cell phones. No texting allowed during class times! Computers are allowed to take lecture notes, however no other online activities (such as Facebooking) is allowed during lecture!7.Trust and respect are expected for everyone in the classroom. Talking with your neighbor and making unnecessary noise will not be tolerated. 8. Your syllabus can answer all your questions about exams and classroom lecture schedule. We will not answer questions such as “What is on the exam?” We will cover exam topics as appropriate. Listen carefully. Recording lecture content is allowed for your use only. These recordings are not to be posted to any internet source.9.Web conduct: This is web-enhanced course. Active participation on WNC online is required. Please check WNC online daily for new postings, announcements, etc. WNC online is an excellent tool to communicate with the instructor and other students. Please be respectful and post questions and material that is related to the classroom activities. Any negative comments not related to classroom topics should be communicated elsewhere.10. Examples of misconduct during testing follow. Any student engaging in such behavior will be dismissed and receive a “0” grade for the quiz/exam.Being late!Using electronic communications equipment such as pagers, cellphones, iPod’s or PDA’sGiving or receiving help during the quiz or examination or being suspected of doing soUsing prohibited aids, such as reference materials, websites, listening devices, or recordings.Sharing information about the test and test questions with any unauthorized person. IX. ATTENDANCEAttendance is required for NURS 276. Unexcused absences over 8 clock hours may result in dismissal from the course. You will not receive points for the EAQ Quizzes unless you are in class.Student absences will be acknowledged by each faculty member to determine if there is an ongoing problem. Absences will be dealt with on a one to one basis between the student and the instructors and Director of Allied Health NURS 276 Lecture Schedule and ReadingsDate/TimeExamsContentPresenterReadings10:00-12:00Week 101-24-17Respiratory: Modes of Oxygen Delivery, Mechanical Ventilation, ARDSEddaEAQ Quiz 1 and 2Lewis Chap 26, 66, 68HESI Case Study 1: Critical Care Patient Review William Bennett ARDSWeek 101-26-17Respiratory SimulationEddaWeek 201-31-17Intro to Rhythm Recognition and InterpretationDeiECG Made Incredibly Easy (5th ed).?Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/LippincottWilliams & Wilkins. ***PDF?Week 202-02-17Valvular Heart Disease, Structural and Inflammatory Heart DiseaseMaryEAQ Quiz 3 and 4Lewis Chap 37HESI Case Study 2: Critical Care Patient Review Mr. Peterson post op CABGWeek 302-07-17Cardiac:Rhythm Interpretation and Antiarrhythmic DrugsDebiEAQ Quiz 5 and 6 Lewis Chap 32,34,36,Week 302-09-17Cardiac Simulation:Rhythm InterpretationDebiWeek 402-14-17Exam 10800-1000MaryWeek 402-16-17Emergency Nursing: Environmental, Toxic Ingestion, Multiple TraumaMaryEAQ 7 and 8Lewis Chap 69HESI Case Study 6: Psychiatric/Mental Health Case Study AlcoholismWeek 502-21-17Disasters: MCI, Hospital Incident Command, TriageEddaEAQ Quiz 9 Lewis Chap 69___________________________________________EAQ Quiz 10Lewis Chap 57, 61Week 502-23-17Spinal Cord Injury/Head InjuryMaryWeek 602-28-17Neuro SimulationMaryEAQ Quiz 11HESI Case Study 5: Critical Care Neuro Patient Reviews Mr. Jim Brown Skull Fx and Subdural Hematoma___________________________________________EAQ Quiz 12Week 603-02-17Trauma/MCI SimulationEddaWeek 703-07-17Exam 20800-1000MaryWeek 703-09-17Burns and DermMary EAQ 13Lewis 24, 25Week 803-14-17Critical Care: Hemodynamic Monitoring, VentilatorDebiEAQ Quiz 14Lewis Chap 66Week 803-16-17Critical Care Simulation Debi03-21-17SPRING BREAK03/20/17 – 03/25/17Week 903-28-17GI Disorders/TubesMaryEAQ Quiz 15Lewis Chap 42,43HESI Case Study 8: Med- Surg Case Study Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseWeek 903-30-17Exam 30800-1000MaryWeek 1004-04-17HESI Exam0800-1000MaryHESI ExamMaryWeek 1004-06-17HEENTDebi EAQ 16Lewis Chap 21, 22Week 1104-11-17Student Driven PresentationsStaffWeek 1104-12-1704-13-1704-14-17Video Simulation EvaluationStaffWeek 1204-18-17Final Exam0800-1100Cumulative Final ExamMaryTheory Reynolds Room 103Simulations may be held in Cedar Labs per Instructor. If so, wear WNC scrub attire as directed. ................

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