ASHPE Outlook NMIE Spotlight

official newsletter of the american society of healthcare publication editors


Summer 2011 -- Special Awards Issue



Incredibly Easy: More than Meets the Eye

By Coleen Stern, Managing Editor Nursing made Incredibly Easy! coleen.stern@

As the largest discipline in the healthcare delivery system, nurses must constantly keep pace with the newest procedures, technologies and pharmaceuticals to deliver the best possible patient care. Add to this the changing healthcare regulatory and reimbursement environment, and nurses can often feel overwhelmed and intimidated by such complex topics and the pressing need to keep up to date.

presents challenging clinical concepts in a refreshingly original, easily understood format that engages them and gives them confidence. The creative content helps nurses learn everyday and difficult concepts by making learning fun and effective.

What's in a name?

At first glance the lighthearted tone of Nursing made Incredibly Easy! may seem too simplistic for

Enter Nursing made Incredibly Easy!, published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. As an offshoot of the popular nursing textbook series by the same name, the journal meets the educational needs of nurses by publishing information that

practicing nurses. For example, a cartoon nurse mascot named Nurse Joy is sprinkled throughout the text in various healthcare and educational settings. Clinical artwork mixed with humorous line drawings, such as a caricature of a sweating heart that speaks or choking blood vessels spilling over at their tops, frequently illustrate and reinforce key points. All content, however, is contributed by expert clinicians to ensure it is based on clinical evidence and practical, hands-on experience. The magic behind Nursing made Incredibly Easy! lies in its knack for matching the artwork with the written word.

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OUTLOOK-Summer 2011 Awards Issue

Publication Spotlight: Nursing made Incredibly Easy!

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Taking a cue from its readers in numerous pre- and post-launch research studies, Nursing made Incredibly Easy! not only addresses must-know areas of clinical practice, but also topics of concern for today's nurses. The On the Horizon column has spotlighted such issues as nurses and depression, healthcare reform, and returning to school. Editorials have tackled compassion fatigue, workplace violence and moral distress. Illustrations are used to enhance the content--never as a distraction or to be condescending--helping to diffuse the often frustrating process of grasping difficult areas of practice for novice and more tenured nurses alike.

Beyond print

In conjunction with the journal now in its 8th year of publication, a monthly eNewsletter is sent to more than 50,000 subscribers, which offers timely healthcare news and guideline updates, along with continuing education

opportunities and bonus content not found in the print journal. Through the journal's website, subscribers can gain free online access to print articles, as well as exclusive online-only content. Other features of the website include topical collections, such as Cardiovascular Connection, Editor's Picks and Publish Ahead-ofPrint articles. Using the website's Quick Poll feature, the editors ask subscribers what topics they most want to see in the journal, and encourage them to help shape the future of Nursing made Incredibly Easy! And recently social media has been added to the mix.

The journal's Facebook page gives editors instant feedback from more than 3,500 "fans" and allows readers to interact with each other in a virtual Incredibly Easy community. Through Twitter, readers can connect with

real-time updates on print and website content. Additionally a Journals@LWW app enables readers to download content directly to their smart phones, and they can now view content on eReaders as well.

Looking to the future

Providing nurses with the information they need when they need it most in the format they prefer remains the top priority for Nursing made Incredibly Easy! Future plans include an Incredibly Easy blog and guest editorials to give readers access to experts from a variety of specialties, and exploration of adding

animation capabilities on the website.

The overarching editorial goal is to be an integral part of the reader's journey from knowledge to practice. With its distinct format, Nursing made Incredibly Easy! is well focused to guide nurses through their most difficult-tolearn concepts in the future-- in a fun and effective way.

Article from Outlook Summer 2011 issue used with the permission of ASHPE (American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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