Using a Flip Camera

Using a Flip Camera

• Shoot your video.

• Plug your flip camera into a USB port on your computer.


• The window shown below will appear:

• Be sure View your Flip Camcorder Videos is highlighted.

• Click OK


• The Flip Share User License agreement page will come up.

• Click on I Agree


• The FlipShare software setup will begin downloading automatically


• The main FlipShare screen will then appear and you will see your video(s) in the pane on the right side.


• Click the Online share icon (globe) in the middle of the bottom panel


• Select YouTube on the left and then click Next.


• Enter your YouTube (or Google) Username and Password

• Drag and drop the video you want to add to your video channel. You can drag and drop more than one video at a time.

• Click on Login


• Select Private on the left side

• Click on Share.


• The FlipShare screen will appear again. In the lower left hand corner you will see a progress bar that your video is uploading.


• When the upload is completed you will get the following message.


• Go to Youtube.

• Click on Sign In at the upper right hand corner.


• Log into your Youtube/Google account:


• Click on the Dropdown Arrow next to your video station name

• Select My Videos


• Your new video should now be at the top of your list.

• Click on Edit


• Scroll down to Broadcasting and Sharing Options and select Unlisted

• This option will allow you to add the link to your Blackboard course.


• You can also choose to add commenting and voting privileges.


• Click Save Changes


• You will then see the following message at the top of the screen.


• Copy the URL from the unlisted box.


• Now you can paste the URL into your Bb shell.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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