The Rage for Order: Reconstruction and Jim Crow in America

The Rage for Order: Reconstruction and Jim Crow in America

America in 1860

"Nations reel and stagger on their way; they make hideous mistakes; they commit frightful wrongs; they do great and beautiful things. And shall we not best guide humanity by telling the truth about all of this, so far as the truth is ascertainable?"

W. E. B. Du Bois, 1935

What about Critical Race Theory?

North Dakota's new law banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) in K-12 education provides this definition:

"For purposes of this section, `critical race theory' means the theory that racism is not merely the product of

learned individual bias or prejudice, but that racism is systemically embedded in American society and the American legal system to facilitate racial inequality."

Law became an obstacle to Freedmen

Our Session Subjects: 1. America in 1860 2. Presidential Reconstruction 3. Congressional Reconstruction 4. Reconstructing Reconstruction 5. The Romance of Reunion 6. The End of Reconstruction 7. The Lost Cause Movement 8. Jim Crow comes to town

Our years

American Civil War ? April 1861 to say spring 1865

Presidential Reconstruction ? May 1865 to December 1866

Congressional Reconstruction ? December 1865 to February 1877

Jim Crow era ? 1877 to 1895


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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