Presidential Reconstruction

Warm-Up Radical Reconstruction

Presidential Reconstruction

President Johnson followed Lincoln's moderate plan for


Johnson's plan:

Consequences of the plan:

? Most Southern whites were

pardoned . ? African Americans were

not offered a role in Reconstruction.

? Many Confederates

regained their

leadership roles .

? State governments passed laws

that oppressed

African Americans.

? Violence against formerly

enslaved persons


? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Radical Reconstruction

Congress's Reaction

Many in Congress opposed Johnson's plan. ? Were angered that the South had no consequences for the war ? Argued that Congress should oversee Reconstruction

Some also believed that African Americans were entitled to the

same opportunities and rights as whites.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

? Analyze Congress's response to Presidential Reconstruction. ? Describe the implementation of the Reconstruction Acts

in the South.

? Identify the reasons for the impeachment of President Johnson .


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to

help you.




to bring a government official to trial


an action that punishes or corrects

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Radical Reconstruction


Lesson Question

What were the goals of Radical Reconstruction?



Congress Reacts to Presidential Reconstruction

Newly elected congressmen from the South joined the House and Senate in

early 1866.

? Many were former leaders and military officers in the

Confederacy .

Republicans in Congress were outraged . They decided to take over Reconstruction from the president.

Radical Republicans

These Republicans wanted a more punitive , or stricter, approach to


? Were called Radical Republicans ? Wanted the South to face consequences for

starting the war ? Were angry that the South had created new governments and

held elections

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Radical Reconstruction



Congressional Reconstruction

The Joint Committee on Reconstruction:

? rejected President Johnson's plan.

? denied seating of Southern legislators in Congress.

? argued that only Congress could determine the terms

of Reconstruction.

The Constitution expressly says, "The Executive Power shall be vested in a President . . ." And . . . . "All Legislative Powers herein

granted shall be vested in Congress. . . ." And yet the President has assumed legislative power, even to the extent of making

laws and constitutions for States. . . . It is an attempt by the

One Man Power to do what can be done only by the legislative

branch of the government.

?Charles Sumner, 1866

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Radical Reconstruction



Thaddeus Stevens (1792?1868)

? Led the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction

? Fought for greater equality for African Americans

? Wanted strict requirements for Southern states to rejoin the Union

? Opposed Presidential Reconstruction


Freedmen's Bureau

The Freedmen's Bureau was created to help newly freed African

Americans adjust to freedom.

? Registered marriages

? Negotiated labor contracts

? Built more than 3,000 schools

? Trained teachers

Other private and charitable organizations also worked to bring

education to the South .

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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