Warm-Up Presidential Reconstruction

Warm-Up Presidential Reconstruction

The End of War

The Civil War ended in 1865. .

The war was very costly.

? More than 620,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of


? The destruction of Southern railroads , and bridges

The war cost over $6 billion .

farmland , buildings,

Post?Civil War Concerns

About four million enslaved

persons were now freed.

? Where would they go?

The Union needed to be rebuilt . ? How would the South rejoin the Union?

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Presidential Reconstruction

Questions for Reconstruction

How should the Southern economy and society be rebuilt? What should be done to support formerly enslaved persons? How should states be readmitted to the Union ? What should the punishment be for Confederate leaders ?

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

? Describe Lincoln's goals for Reconstruction and the

opposition he faced in Congress .

? Identify Johnson's plans for Reconstruction.

? Examine the impact of the creation of the South.

black codes



Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.



pocket veto an action that allows a bill to die by not signing it

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Presidential Reconstruction


Lesson How did presidential Reconstruction affect the

Question nation?



Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was referred to as the Ten Percent Plan .

? Readmitted any state in which 10 percent of the population

swore loyalty to the Union

? Required states to abolish slavery

Lincoln hoped that some states would immediately.

leave the Confederacy

With malice toward none, with charity

for all . . . let us strive on to finish the work we are in,

wounds to bind up the nation's


--Abraham Lincoln, Second inaugural address,


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Instruction Presidential Reconstruction



Republican Divide

The Republican Party split over how to approach Reconstruction in the South.

Moderate Republicans sided

Radical Republicans believed

with Lincoln. ? Hoped for immediate


? Believed that too much change would create more


the South should be punished. ? Believed leniency would encourage slavery to continue ? Tried to pass legislation to make Reconstruction

tougher on the South

The Wade-Davis Bill

Radical Republicans passed the Wade?Davis Bill in 1864.

? Required 50 percent of a state's citizens to swear loyalty

to the Union

? Required states to give African Americans the

right to vote

? Placed Southern states under military governors

? Excluded many ex-Confederates

governments The bill went to Lincoln for signing.

from new state

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Instruction Presidential Reconstruction



Lincoln's Pocket Veto

Lincoln pocket vetoed the Wade?Davis Bill.

? A pocket veto means allowing a bill to die by

not signing it.

Lincoln believed that the South had stayed in the Union but rebelled against it.

His view made it easier for states to rejoin the Union.

The Assassination of Lincoln

On April 14, 1865 , President Lincoln was assassinated. ? Did not have time to act on his plans for Reconstruction

Vice President Andrew Johnson became president and oversaw

Reconstruction. ? Faced a choice: follow

Lincoln's plans

or create his own ?

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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