Warm-Up Presidential and Radical Reconstruction

Warm-Up Presidential and Radical Reconstruction

The End of War

The Civil War ended in 1865 when General Lee of the Confederacy


Cost of the war:

to the Union at Appomattox.

? Over 620,000 deaths ; thousands injured

? Over $6 billion

? Southern farmland and infrastructure destroyed

Post?Civil War Challenges

Much of the Southern economy and landscape were

ravaged by war.

About four million enslaved persons were now freed. The Union needed to be rebuilt .

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Presidential and Radical Reconstruction

Questions for Reconstruction

How should the Southern economy and society be rebuilt ? What should be done to support former enslaved people? How should states be readmitted ? What should the punishment be for Confederate leaders?

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

? Describe the presidential plans for Reconstruction. ? Examine the response by Congress to presidential

plans for Reconstruction.

? Compare and contrast the presidential and congressional plans for Reconstruction , and analyze their effects.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Presidential and Radical Reconstruction


Words to Know

Write the letter of the definition next to the matching word as you work through

the lesson. You may use the glossary to help you.

C disenfranchised

A. law used by a military government occupying an area

A martial law D repudiate

B. the power of one branch of government to reject a proposal from another branch of government

C. the act of being denied the right to vote

E vagrancy

D. the act of refusing to be associated with a specific action, event, or responsibility

B veto

E. the laws that were passed regarding specific actions, such as loitering

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Presidential and Radical Reconstruction


Lesson How did Presidential Reconstruction and Radical

Question Reconstruction differ?



Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction

Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was called the Ten Percent Plan .

? Readmitted any state in which 10% of the population

swore a loyalty to the Union

? Required states to abolish slavery ? Pardoned Confederates who swore loyalty to the Union

A moderate plan was designed to reunite the nation quickly.

"With malice toward none, with charity for all . . . let us strive on to

finish the work

we are in, to bind up the

nationn'sawtoiounnd'ss wounds ."

- Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 1865

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Presidential and Radical Reconstruction



Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

? Proposed by Senator Benjamin Wade and Representative

Henry Winter Davis

? Required 50% of each state's white males to swear loyalty to Union ? Passed by Congress, vetoed , or rejected, by President Lincoln

1. No person who has held . . . any office, civil or military . . . shall

vote for or be a member of

be a member of

tthheelelgeisglaistularet,uorr ego,veorrnogr overnor


2. Involuntary servitude is forever



state 3. No debt . . . shall be recognized or paid by the state

. - Wade-Davis Bill, 1864

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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