Volume 7, No. 12, December 1, 2014 s.com

The Prayer Team UpdateFirst United Methodist Church_____________________________________________Volume 7, No. 12, December 1, 2014 What do you love to give?According to a Harvard Business Review article, many of us would say, “Gift cards.” An eye popping 39.2 percent of shoppers will purchase a department store gift card for friends and family, followed by 33.4 percent of shoppers opting for a restaurant gift card. They’re so easy to give. But estimates reported in the Journal of State Taxation reveal the typical American home has an average of $300 in unused or "unredeemed" gift cards. These cards are often misplaced, accidentally thrown out, or only partially redeemed. Between 2005 and 2011, $41 billion in gift cards went unused. Imagine what those gifts could have done if they had been passed on to those in need. Got any unredeemed cards at home? We do (although not $300 worth). We keep them tucked away for those special times when we go out as a family. We’re grateful for those who have been so thoughtful. We want to honor the giver by using their gift. left381000Christmas has often been a story of extravagant gifts unused. Out of immense love, God gave the most costly gift imaginable. But it only affects our lives when it is redeemed. When we are humble enough to admit our need and “use” the forgiveness Jesus offers, the gift we redeem ends up redeeming us from sin and death. This year let’s honor the Giver by using his gift. Invite Jesus to do his redeeming work in your life and in the lives of others through you. Feel the joy of passing it on. This gift is too valuable to be left unused. Grateful for the gift of redeeming grace, and grateful for you!65024015240The Soulful SevenFirst UMC Prayer TeamDecember 2014Please feel free to pray for a different area each day of the week. Thanks for your prayers.Sunday—Thank God for this holy season and ask the Holy Spirit to soften hearts for the invitations that will be made to come home, spiritually. Pray by name for the FRANKs in your life that are not connected to God or faith—your Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, and Kids. As the Holy Spirit leads, invite them to come with you to your small group, your class, or to one of our Christmas Eve worship experiences: Dec. 21 @ 7:00 p.m. (Eve Before You Leave); Dec. 24 @ 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 p.m. Monday— Invite the Spirit of Jesus to grace the preparations and the presentations of our Contemporary Christmas Celebration on Saturday, Dec. 6 and Sunday, Dec. 7 and our Traditional Cantata on Sunday, Dec. 14!Tuesday—Praise Jesus for the discipleship opportunities offered this fall: Choirs for all ages, Disciple 1 & 2 Bible Studies, Divorce Recovery, G6 Class, Grief Share, 2 Men’s Bible Studies, Mom2Mom Groups, Small Groups, Sunday School for all ages, and Women’s Bible Studies. Wednesday— Praise GOD for the ongoing surge in kids participating in our KidLife ministry and for the nearly completed renovations of Rooms 8 & 9 that will provide a unique space for our StudentLife ministry. Also, please pray for God to move in the lives of the 20 students in our Confirmation Class that began on Sept. 28. Thursday—Thank God for using us to give HOPE to people far and near. Through our benefit concert to fight Ebola on Nov. 20, we received over $1,700. Our United Methodist Women Thank Offering on Nov. 22-23 received $7,039 to be divided three ways: to fight Ebola, for Kumler Neighborhood Ministries in Springfield, and the pastors’ discretionary fund for those in need in our community. Also, thank God for the over 315 individuals and families that have turned in Promise cards to support the mission of Jesus through First UMC’s 2015 Ministry Plan!Friday—PRAISE GOD for the approx. 100 people involved in our first G6 class! Seek God for a clear understanding and genuine desire to become a deeply devoted disciple of Jesus as we finish on Dec. 10. Saturday—Offer thanks to God for our Director of Student Ministries, Brad Curtis, who has sensed a call to another church as a worship leader and associate pastor. Brad’s last Sunday with us will be Dec. 7. Pray for God to reveal the person he has in mind for that crucial position. Also, PRAISE GOD for our staff team of Brad Curtis, Carli Burton, Chase Carlisle, Dave Rodriguez, Dennis Fors, Elyssa Carlisle, Garrett West, Grady Peavy, Holly Taylor, James “Jay” Dunlap, Jenny Hutcherson, Lana Salomonson, Laurie Lewis, Lindsay Walker, Mike Whitaker, Nicole Cox, Pam Long, Randy Osborn, Roger Ross, See Tsai Chan, Sharon Sweeney, and several caring nursery workers. Please pray for God’s supernatural favor on their lives and ministries. If you would like to receive this Prayer Update by email, please contactSharon Sweeney at ssweeney@. ................

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