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boston. gov/citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

OneCity Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203 COMMITTEE HEARING NOTICE

April 19, 2023

The Boston City Council's Committee on Ways and Means will hold public hearings on the FY24 recommended budget, as well as various relevant budget-related dockets, according to the attached schedule.Thesehearingswill takeplaceinthelannellaChamber,FifthFloor,BostonCityHall,unless notedotherwise.Pursuitto Chapter2 oftheActsof2023somehearingswill betakingplacevirtually.

The subjects ofthe hearingare:

OrdersfortheFY24OperatingBudget,includingannualappropriationsfor departmentaloperations, for the School Department, andfor other post-employment benefits (OPEB).

Docket#0760, MessageandorderforAnnualAppropriationandTaxOrderfor FY2024. . Docket#0761, Messageandorderfor AnnualAppropriationfor theSchoolDepartmentfor


. Docket #0762, Message and order approving an appropriation of Forty Million Dollars ($40, 000, 000. 00) to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund.

Orders for capitalfund transfer appropriations. . Docket W)763, Message and order approving an appropriation of One Million Eight Hundred ThousandDollars ($1, 800, 000.00)fromtheCity'sCapitalGrantFundto addresstheimpactof transportation network services on municipal roads, bridges and other transportation infrastructure or any other public purpose substantially related to the operation of transportation network services in the city. Suchfunds will be transferred andcredited to the Capital Grant Fundfrom revenue receivedfrom the Commonwealth Transportation Infrastructure Enhancement Trust Fund.

. Docket #0765, Message and order approving an appropriation of Twenty-Nine Million Four Hundred Five Thousand Dollars ($29. 405, 000. 00)from the City's Capital Grant Fund in order to provide funding for various transportation andpublic realm improvements. Thefunds shall be credited to the Capital Grant Fundform the Parking Meter Fund.

. Docket #0766, Message and order authorizing an appropriation Order in the amount ofTwenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($27, 500, 000. 00) from Surplus Property Disposition Fund, credited to the Capital Fundfor planning, design, andconstruction, for projects, the Animal Shelter, Old State House, BHA decarbonization, and Harrison Avenue BWSC Operations.

Orders for the Capital Budget, including loan orders and lease-purchase agreements.

By City Clerk at 4:26 pm, Apr 19, 2023

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boston. gov/citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

OneCityHallSquare5thFloor,Boston,MA02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

. Docket#0764,MessageandorderforyourapprovalanorderauthorizingtheCity ofBostonto enter into one or more leases, lease-purchase or installment sales agreements in Fiscal Year 2024 in an amount not to exceed Thirty Nine Million Dollars ($39, 000, 000. 00). Thesefunds are to be usedbyvariousCity departmentsfor theacquisitionofequipmentinfurtheranceoftheir respectivegovernmentalfunctions. Thelistofequipmentincludes:computerequipment (hardwareandsoftware), motorvehiclesandtrailers, ambulances,firefightingequipment, office equipment, telecommunicationsequipment,photocopyingequipment, medicalequipment, school andeducationalequipment, schoolbuses,parkingmeters, streetlightinginstallation, traffic signalequipmentandequipmentfunctionallyrelatedto, andcomponentsoftheforegoing.

. Docket#0767, MessageandorderforyourapprovalanappropriationorderintheamountofSix HundredFifty-SevenMillion OneHundredTenThousandDollars($657, 110, 000. 00)forvarious capital improvement purposes for city departments including the Boston Center for Youth and Families, DepartmentofInnovationandTechnology,theEnvironment, Fire, Parksand Recreation, Police, Property Management, PublicWorks,andTransportationdepartments, Mayor'sOfficeofHousing, Mayor's OfficeofArtsandCulture, BostonPublicLibrary, Boston HousingAuthority, BostonPlanningandDevelopmentAgency, andtheBostonPublicHealth


. Docket- 0768, MessageandorderauthorizinganappropriationorderintheamountofThree Hundred Twenty-Eight Million One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($328, J60. 000. 00)for various capital improvement purposes for the Boston Public Schools.

Ordersauthorizinglimitsfor departmentalrevolvingfundsfor FY24,includingLaw,Tourism,Arts & Culture, Environment, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Schools, and Police

. Docket#0769, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor the LawDepartmentrevolvingfundfor FiscalYear2024topurchasegoodsandservicesforrepairsto cityproperty. Thisrevolvingfund shallbefundedbyreceiptsfromrecoveriesfor damagesto cityproperty causedby thirdparties. The Law Department -will be the only unit authorized to expendfrom thefund andsuch expenditures shall be capped at Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300, 000. 00).

. Docket#0770, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theMayor'sOfficeofTourismrevolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024topurchasegoodsandservicesto supporteventsandprogrammingon andaround City Hall Plazato advance tourism. andpromote participation inpublic celebrations, civic andcultural events. This revolving fund shall befunded by receipts from payments for the useofCity HallPlazapursuantto City ofBostonCode, Ordinance, 11-7. 14. TheMayor'sOffice ofTourism will be the only unit authorized to expendfrom thefund andsuchexpenditures shall be cappedat OneHundredFiftyThousand($150, 000.00)

. Docket #0777, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 to purchase goods andservices to support the operation of theStrandTheatre. Thisrevolvingfundshallbefundedbyreceiptsfromrentalfeesfor theuseof the Strand Theatre. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to




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