5:37 pm, May 08, 2023 By City Clerk at 5:37 pm, May 08, 2023

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boston. gov/citycouncil city.council@


One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203 COMMITTEEHEARINGNOTICE

May 8, 2023

The Boston CityCouncil's Committee on Ways andMeans will holdpublic hearings onthe FY24 recommended budget, aswell asvarious relevant budget-related dockets, according to the attached schedule. These hearings will take place in the lannella Chamber, Fifth Floor, Boston City Hall, unless notedotherwise.Pursuantto Chapter2 oftheActsof2023somehearingswillbetakingplacevirtually.

The subjects ofthehearingare:

OrdersfortheFY24OperatingBudget,includingannualappropriationsfor departmentaloperations, fortheSchoolDepartment,andfor otherpost-employmentbenefits(OPEB).

. Docket #0760, Message andorderfor Annual Appropriation andTaxOrderfor FY2024. . Docket #0761, Message andorderfor Annual Appropriation for the School Departmentfor


Docket#0762, MessageandorderapprovinganappropriationofForty Million Dollars ($40, 000, 000. 00) to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund.

Ordersfor capitalfundtransferappropriations. . Docket #0763, Message andorder approving anappropriation ofOne Million EightHundred ThousandDollars($1, 800, 000.00)fromtheCity'sCapitalGrantFundtoaddresstheimpactof transportationnetworkservicesonmunicipalroads, bridgesandothertransportation infrastructure or any other publicpurpose substantially related to the operation oftransportation networkservices in thecity. Suchfundswill betransferred andcredited to the Capital Grant Fundfromrevenue receivedfrom the Commonwealth Transportation Infrastructure

Enhancement Trust Fund.

. Docket#0765,MessageandorderapprovinganappropriationofTwenty-NineMillionFour HundredFiveThousandDollars ($29, 405, 000.00)fromtheCity's CapitalGrantFundinorder toprovidefundingfor various transportation andpublic realm improvements. Thefunds shallbe creditedto the Capital Grant Fundform the Parking Meter Fund.

. Docket #0766, Message andorder authorizing anappropriation Order in the amount ofTwenty SevenMillion Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($27, 500, 000. 00)from Surplus Property DispositionFund, creditedto the CapitalFundforplanning, design, andconstruction,for projects, the Animal Shelter, Old State House, BHA decarbonization, and Harrison Avenue BWSCOperations.

Ordersfor the CapitalBudget, including loan orders andlease-purchase agreements. . Docket #0764, Message andorderforyour approval anorder authorizing the City ofBoston to enterintooneormoreleases, lease-purchaseor installmentsalesagreementsinFiscalYear

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citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square S*"Floor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203

2024inanamountnotto exceedThirtyNineMillionDollars ($39, 000, 000. 00). Thesefundsare to beusedbyvarious City departments for the acquisition ofequipment infurtherance oftheir respectivegovernmentalfunctions. Thelistofequipmentincludes: computerequipment (hardwareandsoftware),motorvehiclesandtrailers, ambulances,firefightingequipment, office equipment, telecommunicationsequipment,photocopyingequipment, medicalequipment, school andeducational equipment, school buses, parking meters, street lighting installation, traffic signalequipment andequipmentfunctionally related to, andcomponents oftheforegoing. . Docket#0767,MessageandorderforyourapprovalanappropriationorderintheamountofSix HundredFifty-SevenMillion OneHundredTenThousandDollars ($657. 110, 000. 00)forvarious capital improvement purposes for city departments including the Boston Centerfor Youthand Families, DepartmentofInnovationandTechnology, theEnvironment, Fire, Parksand Recreation, Police, Property Management, PublicWorks, andTransportationdepartments, Mayor'sOfficeofHousing, Mayor'sOfficeofArts andCulture, BostonPublicLibrary, Boston Housing Authority, Boston Planning and Development Agency, and the Boston Public Health


. Docket #0768, Message andorder authorizing anappropriation order in the amount ofThree HundredTwenty-EightMillionOneHundredSixtyThousandDollars ($328, 160, 000. 00)for various capital improvement purposes for the Boston Public Schools.

Ordersauthorizinglimitsfor departmentalrevolvingfundsfor FY24,includingLaw,Tourism, Arts & Culture, Environment, BostonCentersfor Youth& Families,Schools,andPolice

. Docket #0769, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor the Law Department revolving fundfor FiscalYear2024topurchasegoodsandservicesforrepairsto cityproperty. Thisrevolvingfund shallbefundedbyreceiptsfromrecoveriesfor damagestocityproperty causedby thirdparties. The LawDepartment willbethe only unit authorized to expendfrom thefundandsuch expendituresshallbecappedatThreeHundredThousandDollars ($300, 000.00).

. Docket #0770, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor theMayor's OfficeofTourism revolving jitndfor FiscalYear 2024topurchase goods andservices to support events andprogramming on andaroundCity HallPlazato advancetourism.andpromoteparticipationinpubliccelebrations, civicandcultural events. This revolving fundshallbefundedby receipts frompayments for the use ofCity Hall Plazapursuant to City ofBoston Code, Ordinance, 11-7. 14. The Mayor's Office ofTourismwill betheonly unit authorizedto expendfrom thefundandsuchexpendituresshall becappedat OneHundredFifty Thousand($150, 000. 00)

. Docket#077,, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theMayor'sOfficeofArts andCulture revolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024 topurchase goods andservices to support theoperation of the StrandTheatre. Thisrevolving fundshallbefimdedby receipts from rentalfeesfor theuseof the StrandTheatre. The Mayor's OfficeofArts andCulture -willbethe only unit authorizedto expendfrom thefundandsuchexpenditures shallbe cappedat Three HundredThousandDollars (300, 000. 00).


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boston. gov/citycouncil city. council@boston. gov


One City HaU Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203

. Docket#0772, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theMayor'sOfficeofArts andCulture revolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024 to purchase goods andservices to support public art to enhance thepublic realm throughout the City ofBoston. This revolving fundshall befundedby receiptsfrom easementswithinthepublicway grantedby the PublicImprovement Commission. The Mayor's OfficeofArts andCulture will bethe only unitauthorized to expendfrom thefund andsuchexpendituresshallbecappedatEightHundredThousandDollars($800. 000. 00). Docket#0773, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theDistributedEnergy Resource Revolving Fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 tofacilitate thepurchase ofoffsets ofgreenhouse gas emissions whichshallbeassociatedwitha portion oftheelectricity consumed by the City annually; andto operate, maintain, monitorandexpandthe City'sexistingsolararrays and BostonPublicSchools'combinedheatandpowerfacilities. Thisrevolvingfundshallbecredited .withany andallreceipts from thesaleofrenewable andalternative energy certificates and demandresponse program revenues produced by combinedheatandpower units located at BostonPublicSchoolssitesandsolarrenewableenergycertificatesproducedby theCity's photovoltaicarrays. ReceiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfundshallnotexceedOne Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, 000. 00).

. Docket M774, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Environment Conservation Commissionrevolvingfundfor theFiscalYear 2024forthepurposeofsecuringoutside consultants including engineers, wetlands scientist, wildlife biologists or other experts in order to aidinthereview ofproposedprojects to the Commission, per thecity 'sordinance protecting localwetland andpromoting climate change adaptation. Therevolving fundshall befundedby receiptsfromfeesimposedbytheCommissionfor thepurposeofsecuringoutsideconsultants. The Environment Department will betheonly department authorizedto expendfrom thefundand suchexpendituresshallbecappedatFifty ThousandDollars ($50,000. 00). Docket#0775, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor the BostonCentersfor Youthand Families(BCYF)revolvingfundfor FiscalYear2024topaysalariesandbenefitsofemployees andto purchase supplies andequipment necessary to operate the City Hall Child Care. This revolving fundshallbecreditedwithany andall receipts from tuition paidbyparents or guardiansfor childrenenrolledatthecenter. Receiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfund shall not exceed Nine Hundred Thoiisand Dollars ($900, 000. 00). Docket #0776, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024torepair andpurchase Boston Public Schools computer technology, includingcomputers, mobiledevices, andinstructionalsoftware.Thisrevolvingfundshallbe creditedwithany andallreceiptsfromequipmentsalesandrepairfeesfor BostonPublicSchool technology. ReceiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfundshallnotexceedOneMillion Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1, 750, 000. 00).

. Docket #0777, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024to support themaintenance andrepairfor BPSfacilities, including custodial andutility costsfor extended building time, floor refinishing, landscaping andbuilding repairs. Receipts from Lease, Permit for Use and Parking Feesfor BPSfacilities will be


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citycouncil city.council@


One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

depositedinthefund. BPSwill betheonlyunitauthorizedto expendfromthefundandsuch expendituresshallnotexceedTwo MillionTwo HundredThousandDollars ($2, 200, 000. 00). . Docket #0778, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor the Fiscal Year 2024for Boston Public SchoolTransportation cost, including bus and publictransportationcosts. Thisrevolvingfundshallbecreditedwithrevenuereceivedby Boston Public SchoolDepartment for theprovision oftransportation to groups andentitiesforfieldtrips andactivitiesotherthantransportationto andfromschool. Receiptsandresultingexpenditures from thisfund shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100, 000. 00). . Docket #0779, Message andorder authorizing a limitfor theBoston Police Department revolving fundfor FiscalYear2024topaysalariesandbenefitsofemployeesandtopurchasesuppliesand equipment necessary to operate the Police Department Fitness Center. Revenue for this fund is derivedfrommonthlymembershipfees. Receiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfundshall notexceedOneHundredTwenty FiveThousandDollars($125, 000. 00). . Docket#0780, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theBostonPoliceDepartmentrevolving fundfor FiscalYear 2024to support the Canine Unit's trainingprogramfor officers andpolice dogsfrom. non-City of Boston law enforcementagencies. The SpecialOperating Divisionwill chargetuitionandotherfeesto outsidelawenforcementagenciesfor theCanineUnit. Thetuition andotherfees by outside agencieswill beusedto purchase training equipment, certify instructors, updatefacilitiesandprovidefundsforothertrainingneedsnototherwisebudgeted. TheSpecialOperationsDivisionwillbetheonlyunitauthorizedto expendfromthefundand such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125, 000. 00).

Other budget-related dockets. . Docket #078}, Message andorder authorizing the appropriation of One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1, 200, 000. 00)from the income ofthe George Francis Parkman Fund. The fundsareto beexpendedunderthe directionofthe CommissionerofParksandRecreationfor themaintenanceandimprovementofBostonCommonandParksinexistencesinceJanuary 12, 1887. Docket #0782, Message and order approving an appropriation of Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4, 500, 000. 00)from the 21st Century Fund, also known as the Public Educational, or Governmental (PEG) Access and Cable Related Fund. Pursuant to Section 53F % of Chapter 44 ofthe General Laws, thefunds may beusedto support PEG access services, to monitor compliance with the cablefranchise agreement, andfor preparation ofrenewal ofthe franchise license.

These matters were sponsored by Mayor Michelle Wu and referred to the Committee on April 12, 2023.

NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees ofthe City Council consisting ofboth voting andnon-voting members. However, members attending this duly




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boston. gov/citycouncil city.council@

OneCityHallSquare5"-Floor,Boston, MA02201 0 Phone: (617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

postedmeeting areparticipating anddeliberating onlyinconjunction withthebusinessofthestanding


Public Testimony Publictestimony isintegral totheCouncil's budgetreviewprocess. Members ofthe publicmaysubmitwrittentestimony, videos,ortestifyliveinperson(forin-personhearings)orvia videoconference (forallhearings). All forms oftestimony willbemadea partoftherecord andavailable toall Councilors. Additional information isavailable at: boston. ov/council-bud et

For the mmittee.


TaniaFernandesAnd, son, ir Committee on WaysandMeans

StaffContact: ShanePac Committee Email: ccc. wm boston, ov

StaffEmail: shane.pac(%boston.eovStaffTelephone: (617)635-3040 BroadcastLiveonXfmity8/RCN82,Fios964andstreamedat:boston, ov/ci -council-tv


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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