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OneCityHallSquare5thFloor,Boston,MA02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

May25, 2023


TheBostonCity Council'sCommittee onWaysandMeanswill holdpublichearingsonthe FY24 recommended budget, as well as various relevant budget-related dockets, according to the attached schedule. These hearings will take place in the lannella Chamber, Fifth Floor, Boston City Hall, unless noted otherwise. Pursuant to Chapter 2 oftheActs of2023 some hearings will betakingplace virtually.

The subjects ofthe hearing are:

Orders for the FY24 Operating Budget, including annual appropriations for departmental operations, for the SchoolDepartment, andfor other post-employment benefits (OPEB).

. Docket#0760,Messageandorderfor AnnualAppropriationandTaxOrderfor FY2024. . Docket #0761, Message and orderfor Annual Appropriation for the School Department for

FY2024. . Docket #0762, Message and order approving an appropriation of Forty Million Dollars

($40, 000. 000. 00) to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund.

Ordersfor capitalfundtransferappropriations. Docket #0763, Message and order approving an appropriation of One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1, 800, 000. 00)from the City's Capital Grant Fundto address the impact of transportationnetworkservicesonmunicipalroads, bridgesandothertransportation infra structure or any other public purpose substantially related to the operation of transportation network services in the city. Suchfunds will be transferred and credited to the Capital Grant Fundfromrevenuereceivedfromthe CommonwealthTransportationInfrastructureEnhancement Trust Fund. Docket#0765, Messageandorder approvinganappropriationofTwenty-NineMillion Four HundredFiveThousandDollars C$29, 405, 000. 00) from the City's Capital GrantFundin order to providefundingforvarious transportationandpublicrealm improvements. Thefundsshallbe creditedto the CapitalGrantFundformthe ParkingMeter Fund. Docket#0766, Messageandorderauthorizinganappropriation Orderin theamountofTwenty SevenMillion FiveHundredThousandDollars ($27, 500, 000. 00)from Surplus Property Disposition Fund, credited to the Capital Fundfor planning, design, andconstruction, for projects, the AnimalShelter, OldStateHouse, BHAdecarbonization,andHarrisonAvenueBWSC Operations.

Ordersfor the CapitalBudget, includingloanordersandlease-purchaseagreements. . Docket#0764, Messageandorderforyourapprovalanorderauthorizingthe CityofBostonto enter intooneor moreleases, lease-purchaseor installmentsalesagreementsin FiscalYear2024

By City Clerk at 1:20 pm, May 25, 2023


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