

citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635. 3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203 COMMITTEEHEARINGNOTICE

April 19, 2023

TheBostonCityCouncil'sCommitteeonWaysandMeanswill holdpublichearingsontheFY24 recommended budget, as well as various relevant budget-related dockets, according to the attached schedule. Thesehearingswill take place in the lannella Chamber,FifthFloor, BostonCityHall, unless notedotherwise.Pursuitto Chapter2 oftheActsof2023somehearingswillbetakingplacevirtually.

The subjects ofthehearingare:

OrdersfortheFY24OperatingBudget, includingannualappropriationsfor departmentaloperations, fortheSchoolDepartment, andfor otherpost-employmentbenefits(OPEB).

. Docket#0760, Messageandorderfor AnnualAppropriationandTaxOrderfor FY2024. . Docket#0761, Messageandorderfor AnnualAppropriationfor theSchoolDepartmentfor


. Docket #0762, Message and order approving an appropriation of Forty Million Dollars ($40, 000, 000. 00)to theOtherPost-EmploymentBenefits(OPEB)LiabilityTrust Fund.

Orders for capital fund transfer appropriations. . DocketW763, MessageandorderapprovinganappropriationofOneMillionEightHundred ThousandDollars ($1, 800, 000. 00)fromthe City's CapitalGrant Fundto addresstheimpactof transportation network services on municipal roads, bridges and other transportation infrastructure or any other public purpose substantially related to the operation of transportation network services in the city. Suchfunds will be transferred andcredited to the Capital Grant Fundfromrevenuereceivedfromthe CommonwealthTransportationInfrastructureEnhancement Trust Fund.

. Docket #0765, Message and order approving an appropriation ofTwenty-Nine Million Four Hundred Five Thousand Dollars ($29. 405. 000. 00)from the City's Capital Grant Fund in order to provide funding for various transportation andpublic realm improvements. Thefunds shall be credited to the Capital Grant Fundform the Parking Meter Fund. Docket #0766, Message and order authorizing an appropriation Order in the amount ofTwenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($27, 500, 000. 00) from Surplus Property DispositionFund, creditedto the CapitalFundforplanning, design, andconstruction,for projects, theAnimal Shelter, OldStateHouse, BHAdecarbonization, andHarrisonAvenueBWSC Operations.

Orders for the Capital Budget, including loan orders and lease-purchase agreements.

By City Clerk at 6:44 pm, Apr 19, 2023




citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (617) 635. 3040 0 Fax: (617) 635. 4203

. DocketW764,Messageandorderforyourapprovalanorderauthorizingthe City ofBostonto enter into one or more leases, lease-purchase or installment sales agreements in Fiscal Year 2024 inanamountnotto exceedThirty NineMillionDollars ($39, 000, 000. 00). Thesefiindsaretobe usedbyvarious City departmentsfor theacquisitionofequipmentinfurtheranceoftheir respectivegovernmentalfunctions. Thelistofequipmentincludes:computerequipment (hardwareandsoftware), motorvehiclesandtrailers, ambulances,firefightingequipment, office equipment, telecommunicationsequipment,photocopyingequipment, medicalequipment, school andeducationalequipment, schoolbuses,parkingmeters, streetlightinginstallation,traffic signalequipmentandequipmentfunctionallyrelatedto, andcomponentsoftheforegoing.

* Docket#0767,Messageandorderforyour approvalanappropriationorderintheamountofSix Hundred Fifty-Seven Million One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($657, 110, 000. 00) for various capital improvement purposes for city departments including the Boston Center for Youth and Families, Department of Innovation and Technology, the Environment, Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Property Management, PublicWorks,andTransportationdepartments, Mayor's Office of Housing, Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, Boston Public Library, Boston Housing Authority, Boston Planning and Development Agency, and the Boston Public Health


. Docket#0768,MessageandorderauthorizinganappropriationorderintheamountofThree HundredTwenty-EightMillionOneHundredSixtyThousandDollars ($328, 160, 000. 00)for various capital improvement purposes for the Boston Public Schools.

Orders authorizing limits for departmental revolving funds for FY24, including Law, Tourism, Arts & Culture, Environment, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Schools, and Police

? Docket #0769, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Law Department revolving fundfor FiscalYear2024topurchasegoodsandservicesforrepairsto cityproperty. Thisrevolvingfund shall befunded by receipts from recoveries for damages to city property caused by thirdparties. The Law Department will be the only unit authorized to expendfrom thefund andsuch expendituresshallbecappedatThreeHundredThousandDollars ($300, 000. 00).

. Docket #0770, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Tourism revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 to purchase goods and services to support events andprogramming on andaround City Hall Plaza to advance tourism andpromote participation inpublic celebrations, civicandculturalevents. Thisrevolvingfundshallbefundedbyreceiptsfrompaymentsfor the use ofCity Hall Plaza pursuant to City ofBoston Code, Ordinance, 11-7. 14. The Mayor's Office ofTourism will be the only unit authorized to expendfrom thefund andsuch expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150, 000. 00) Docket #0771, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 to purchase goods andservices to support the operation of the Strand Theatre. This revolving fund shall befunded by receipts from rental feesfor the use of the Strand Theatre. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to



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citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

expendfrom thefundandsuchexpendituresshall be cappedat Three HundredThousandDollars (300, 000. 00). . Docket#0772, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfortheMayor's OfficeofArts andCulture revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 topurchase goods andservices to support public art to enhancethepublicrealmthroughoutthe City ofBoston. Thisrevolvingfundshallbefundedby receiptsfromeasementswithinthepublicwaygrantedby thePublicImprovementCommission. TheMayor'sOfficeofArtsandCulturewillbetheonlyunitauthorizedto expendfromthefund andsuchexpendituresshallbecappedatEightHundredThousandDollars ($800, 000. 00). . Docket#0773, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theDistributedEnergyResource RevolvingFundfor FiscalYear2024tofacilitatethepurchaseofoffsetsofgreenhousegas emissionswhichshallbeassociatedwitha portionoftheelectricity consumedby theCity annually; andto operate, maintain,monitorandexpandthe City'sexistingsolararraysand BostonPublicSchools'combinedheatandpowerfacilities. Thisrevolvingfundshallbecredited withany andall receiptsfrom the saleofrenewableandalternativeenergy certificates and demandresponseprogramrevenuesproducedby combinedheatandpowerunits locatedat BostonPublicSchoolssitesandsolarrenewableenergycertificatesproducedby the City's photovoltaicarrays. ReceiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfundshallnotexceedOne Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, 000. 00). . Docket #0774, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Environment Conservation Commissionrevolvingfundfor the FiscalYear2024for thepurposeofsecuringoutside consultantsincludingengineers,wetlandsscientist,wildlifebiologistsor otherexpertsinorderto aidin thereviewofproposedprojects to theCommission,perthecity'sordinanceprotectinglocal wetlandandpromotingclimatechangeadaptation. Therevolvingfundshallbefundedbyreceipts fromfees imposedbythe Commissionforthepurposeofsecuringoutsideconsultants. The EnvironmentDepartmentwill be theonly departmentauthorizedto expendfrom thefundand suchexpendituresshallbecappedat Fifty ThousandDollars($50, 000. 00). . Docket#0775,Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theBostonCentersfor Youthand Families (BCYF) revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 topay salaries andbenefits ofemployees andtopurchasesuppliesandequipmentnecessaryto operatethe CityHallChildCare. This revolvingfundshall becreditedwithany andall receiptsfrom tuitionpaidbyparents or guardians for children enrolled at the center. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shallnotexceedNineHundredThousandDollars ($900, 000. 00). . Docket W)776, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor FiscalYear2024torepairandpurchaseBoston PublicSchoolscomputertechnology, including computers, mobile devices, and instructional software. This revolving fund shall be credited with any andall receipts from equipment sales andrepair feesfor Boston Public School technology. Receipts andresulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1, 750, 000. 00).




boston. gov/citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203

. Docket #0777, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor FiscalYear2024to supportthemaintenanceandrepairfor BPSfacilities, including custodialandutility costsfor extendedbuildingtime,floorreflnishing, landscapingandbuilding repairs. Receipts from Lease, Permitfor Use and Parking Feesfor BPSfacilities will be depositedinthefund. BPSwillbetheonlyunitauthorizedto expendfromthefundandsuch expenditures shall not exceed Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2, 200, 000. 00). Docket #0778, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fundfor the FiscalYear 2024for Boston Public SchoolTransportation cost, including bus and piiblictransportationcosts. Thisrevolvingfundshallbecreditedwithrevenuereceivedby Boston PublicSchoolDepartmentfor theprovisionoftransportationto groupsandentitiesforfieldtrips andactivitiesotherthantransportationto andfromschool. Receiptsandresultingexpenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100. 000. 00).

. Docket#0779, Messageandorderauthorizinga limitfor theBostonPoliceDepartmentrevolving fundfor FiscalYear2024topaysalariesandbenefitsofemployeesandtopurchasesuppliesand equipment necessary to operate the Police Department Fitness Center. Revenue for this fund is derivedfrommonthlymembershipfees. Receiptsandresultingexpendituresfromthisfundshall not exceed One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125, 000.00).

. Docket #0780, Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Police Department revolving fundfor Fiscal Year 2024 to support the Canine Unit's training program for officers andpolice dogs from non-City of Boston law enforcement agencies. The Special Operating Division will charge tuition andotherfees to outside law enforcement agencies for the Canine Unit. The tuition and other fees by outside agencies will be used to purchase training equipment, certify instructors, update facilities andprovide funds for other training needs not otherwise budgeted. The Special Operations Division will be the only unit authorized to expendfrom. thefund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($125, 000. 00).

Other budget-related dockets. . Docket #0781, Message and order authorizing the appropriation of One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1, 200, 000. 00) from the income ofthe George Francis Parkman Fund. The funds are to be expendedunder the direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for the maintenance and improvement of Boston Common and Parks in existence since January 12, 1887. . Docket #0782, Message and order approving an appropriation of Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4, 500, 000. 00) from the 21st Century Fund, also known as the Public Educational, or Governmental (PEG) Access and Cable Related Fund. Pursuant to Section 53F % of Chapter 44 ofthe General Laws, thefunds may beusedto support PEG access services, to monitor compliance with the cablefranchise agreement, andfor preparation ofrenewal ofthe franchise license.


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citycouncil city. council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5thFloor, Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone:(617)635-3040 0 Fax:(617)635-4203 ThesemattersweresponsoredbyMayorMichelleWuandreferredto theCommitteeonApril 12, 2023.

NOTICE: TheBostonCityCouncilmayhavea quomminattendancedueto standingcommitteesofthe CityCouncilconsistingofbothvotingandnon-votingmembers. However,membersattendingthisduly postedmeetingareparticipatinganddeliberatingonly in conjunctionwiththe businessofthe standing


Public Testimony Public testimony is integral to the Council'sbudgetreviewprocess. Membersofthe publicmaysubmitwrittentestimony,videos,ortestifylive inperson(forinpersonhearings)orvia videoconference (for all hearings). All forms oftestimony will be made a part ofthe record and available

to all Councilors. Additional information is available at: boston. ov/council-bud et.

For the ommittee:


TaniaFemandesAn erson, Chair Committee on Ways and Means

Staff Contact: ShanePac Committee Email: ccc.wm boston, ov

StaffEmail: shane.Dac(a),boston. eovStaffTelephone: (617)635-3040 Broadcast Live on Xfinity 8/RCN 82, Fios 964 and streamed at: boston. gov/citv-council-tv


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Boston City Council

Committee on Ways and Means

He,ai^??^?^d-Nvorkin? sessions Schedule, FY24Budget

Capital J7 Dock.ets #0760-0767, Y23 Operating Budget, Capital Fund Transfers, and


with Dockets #0768-0782 Companion Funds Hearings Noted


A.lLhemngs.wilLbe^dm. theknnellachamber', FifthFl?^BostonCityHall,unlessnotedotherwise.Publictestimonywillbe

acceptedattheendofeachhearmg>aswellasatthedesignatedpublictestimonyhearings.TheCommittee"wiflalsob'e'holdic workingsessions,whichwillnotincludepubliccommentperiods.WorkingsessionswillbeheldmdieP'iemonte'Room"

DATE 4/24/23-Man



Operating Overview


0 ice o Bud etMana ement OBM

Capital Overview

OBM. Parks Department, Streets Cabinet, Offi ce of Equity, Public Schools, OEOI


4/25/23 - Tues 4/27/23 - Thurs


LawDepartment Treasury Department Auditing Department LawRevolvin Fund

Arts & Culture

Sports, Tourism & Entertainment

Arts & CultureRevolvingFunds

Tourism Revolvin Fund


. PhysicalHealth

5/1/23 - Mon 5/2/23-Tues 5/4/23 - Thurs

2:OOPM BostonPublicHealthCommission(BPHC)

. Mental Health

. Recove

10:OOAM DepartmentofInnovation& Technology

. Data


PEGAccess Fund

Parks Department Environment Department Environment Revolving Funds Parkman Fund

Office of Food Justice


Grow Boston

2:OOPM Public Testimony


LanguageandCommunications Access (LCA) OfficeofImmigrationAdvancement(MOIA)

Disabilities Commission

Veterans Services VETS

YouthEmployment andOpportunity (YEO) Youth Engagement andAdvancement (YEA) Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) BostonPublicSchools(BPS)

BCYFRevolvin Fund


Vinual Virliial Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtiial Virtual Vimial

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Boston City Council Committee on Ways and Means

Hearings and Working Sessions Schedule, FY24 Budget

Dockets#0760-0767, FY23OperatingBudget,CapitalFundTransfers, andCapitalBudget


5/8/23 - Mon 5/9/23 - Tues

5/10/23-Wed 5/11/23-Thurs 5/15/23-Mon

10:OOAM Age Strong


OfficeofEarl Childhood

2:OOPM Boston PoliceDepartment (BPD)

Ofifice ofPolice Accountabili andTrans arenc OPAT

OfficeofBlack MaleAdvancement (OBMA) 10:OOAM OfficeofLGBTQ+Advancement


. E ui

6:OOPM Public Testimony


1. Parks

2. Streets

3. BTD

4. OBM

5. MOH


7. BPD


8. BPS

Amendments Working Session Departments:

1. 0MB

2. Parks


4. Equity

5. Streets

6. Le al

10:OOAM Boston Police Department (BPD)

BPDRevolvin Fund

2:OOPM BostonPoliceDepartment(BPD)


Reform. (Grant Funding) Community Programs

Crisis Resp onse

10:OOAM BostonPublicSchools(BPS)- Schools

li/i'i,shtcd Stiident Fwidiiig Enrollment Projections

Schools with Dedining Biiiigcfs

Opportimity Index

Trans brmatwn Schools

2:OOPM BostonPublicSchools(BPS)- Academics

Opportunity andAchievement Gap


Code of Conduct

English Learners

Special Education & Inclusion


Early Education/Universal Pre-K

SpecialCurricular Programs (AP, Credit Recovery, Age 22)

Vocational Education

Graduation & Career Readiness

Virtual Virtual

Boston City Council Committee on Ways and Means

Hearings and Working Sessions Schedule, FY24 Budget

Dockets#0760-0767 FY23OPerati"gBudget, CapitalFundTransfers, andCapitalBudget

withDockets#0768-0782Companion FundsHearingsNoted

5/16/23 - Tues

Libraries MCAS


OfficeofElementary Schools

0 ice o Seconda Schools

Boston FireDepartment(BFD)

Fire Prevention

Fire Operations

2:OOPM BostonEmergencyManagement BostonEmergencyMedicalServices(EMS)

5/17/23-Wed 3:OOPM AmendmentsWorkingSession


1. OfificeofBudget Management 2. Le ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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