Academy Park High School

Course Syllabus – Senior Transitional Math

|Course Information |Teacher Information |

|Credit Hour: Math requirement |Name: Mrs. McCoach |

|Marking Period: Second Semester |Phone: 610-522-4330 ext. 6107 |

|Class Location: Room 107 |Office Location: Room D205 |

|E-Mail: mmccoach@ |Office Hours: 2:35 – 3:10 Thursdays by appointment |

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School Attributes

The manner in which we prepare students at Academy Park High School is informed by four attributes: (1) Dedicated faculty who will hold themselves to, at minimum, to the same standards as the students we teach; (2) Positive relationships developed and nurtured between and among adults and students; (3) A high level of rigor included in instructional practices via standards aligned and contextually driven instruction; and (4) Connecting positive relationships with effective instruction for positive academy RESULTS!

Course Description:

|This course is designed to prepare students for mathematics courses in the college transfer curriculum and/or for Technical Mathematics I. It|

|involves the study of elementary algebra through quadratic equations. |

Course Competencies/ Learning Objectives

Students who successfully complete Senior Transitional Mathematics will be competent in the following areas:

|Add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers. |

|Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable. |

|Solve literal equations for the indicated variable. |

|Graph linear equations in two variables. |

|Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials. |

|Factor polynomials. |

|Simplify, multiply, and divide rational expressions. |

|Solve a system of linear equations in two variables. |

|Perform operations on square roots. |

|Solve quadratic equations. |

Student Evaluation

The grading system for the Mathematics Department at Academy Park High School is as follows:

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|Tests, Projects, & Major Papers |- |30% |

|Quizzes, Classwork, & Minor Assignments |- |25% |

|Warm up, Notes, & Journal Assignments |- |15% |

|Attendance & Class Participation |- |20% (school wide) |

|Homework |- |10% (school wide) |

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Attendance Policy

Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Academy Park High School expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences. Students will accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid emergencies.

Classroom Expectations

1. Arrive to class on time

2. Be prepared

3. Respect your classmates and teacher

4. Give your all, all the time

5. Be responsible for your actions

6. No eating, drinking, cell phones, or ipods permitted in the classroom

Class Requirements

Homework will be given approximately four days a week. It will be collected in the beginning of class the day it is due. It is YOUR responsibility to complete homework assignments. You will be given the opportunity to make up THREE homework assignments at the end of the marking period if they were not completed.

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the assignments and/or tests when you return. Every Monday, I will send an email out to the whole class informing them of the homework assignments and/or upcoming tests or quizzes. If you do not make up your assignments within one week, they will turn into zeros.

It is YOUR responsibility to come after school to catch up on missed work from your absences. I will NOT re-teach the lesson during class time.

Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct booklet for additional information.


A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentations, videos, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely completion of assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each assignment. Below is an overview of topic/ units and major assessments/assignments for this course. Please note dates/timeframes are subject to change and are an estimate.

|Unit/ Topic |Course Activities |Assessments/Assignments |Month/ Timeframe |

|Real Numbers/Algebraic Expressions |Large Group Review |Quiz/Test, Homework |Sept./1st MP |

|Solving Equations/Inequalities |Small Group Review |Quiz/Test, Homework |Oct./1st MP |

|Graphing |Graph Work |Quiz/Test, Homework, Graph Project |Oct-Nov1st MP |

|Polynomials: Operations |Example Problems |Quiz/Test, Notes, Homework |Nov-Dec/2nd MP |

|Polynomials: Factoring |Small Group |Quiz/Test, Notes, Homework |Nov-Dec/ 2nd MP |

|Radical Expressions and Equations |Large Group |Quiz/Test, Notes, Homework |Dec/2nd MP |

|Quadratic Equations |Large Group |Quiz/Test, Notes, Homework |Dec. /2nd MP |

|Systems of Equations |Small Group |Quiz/Test, Notes, Homework |Jan./2nd MP |

General Information:

If you are having trouble with this class, come to me immediately and I can work with you. If you wait till the end of the marking period, it will be TOO LATE. I will be available to help you understand so you can be successful in this class.

Please check and sign below

______________I have read the information and I fully understand what I’m expected to do in class.

Student Signature: ____________________________________

Parent / Guardian Signature: ___________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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