
Course Outline/Syllabus

Advanced Art

Instructor: Jessica Genett

E-mail: jgenett@ (This is the best way to contact me.)

Office Hours: 8:00-8:15 and 3:20-4:00Monday –Thursday

Prerequisite: Art III, enrollment in Art IV, portfolio review and teacher approval

DESCRIPTION: This course is for students who are highly motivated and have a desire to do college level work. Students will concentrate their efforts on developing an art show around a common theme. Students must also submit a final artist statement for the entire art show and create a title for their art show. This course provides an INDEPENDENT study of studio art. Students will steadily work toward the final project a cohesive art show with one theme.


- Demonstrate an awareness of the scope and variety of works in Visual Arts.

- Deliver a cohesive art show

- Engage in the creative process.

- Articulate an informed personal reaction to works of art.

- Discuss artworks using the language of art


8.5 X 11 sketchbook, pencils and erasers optional mailing tube or portfolio to transport artworks

What are the expectations for student performance? Students will attend class regularly and punctually. Respect materials, tools, and equipment. Respect the opinions and work of peers and teachers. Participate as class members and be on task with assignments to completion. Accept responsibility for their conduct.


Follow the student handbook for attendance. ****If you miss school on the day of a group art critique it is your responsibility to make this up using the artist critique form and arranging the due date with the instructor.


Art Projects, Written and Group Critiques, Photographic Portfolio of finished works, Final Art Show

Late work will not be accepted and will result in a zero. If after you turn an artwork in for a grade and you would like to rework the project to make it higher quality; you will be allowed to do this up to the final week of the quarter. All projects must be resubmitted for a possible grade change the Wednesday of the week prior to the end of the quarter.

***All artwork must be original and not plagiarized; other sources can be used as a resource for creation but not copied. Give credit for all resources utilized. Plagiarism of any sort will result in a zero.

Artworks will not contain blood and guts, drugs or alcohol, or weapons; I have the final say for all artworks. Discuss with me the need to add any of these things to an artwork and exceptions may be made.

High School Art Grading Policy:

All of the Art projects are a starting point- they are something to get you going, to give you focus your job is to solve the problems of the assignment while showing your initiative and originality. Your attitude is everything and you need to make a real effort. Continuous hard work and pushing yourself further with each project is what I expect. This is a time where you become more self-motivated in the pursuit of innovative personal expression.

Your grade will depend on what you do, not on your ability in comparison to another person.

A= You did MUCH MORE than required. You demonstrated ORIGINALITY. You did the project to the BEST of your abilities. The craftsmanship is Exceptional. EXCELLENT SOLUTION to the problem.

B= You did MORE than is specifically required. You demonstrated Some Originality. You did the project to the Best of your abilities. You were a SELF-STARTER. Good use of design principles. You have shown mastery of skills and craftsmanship.

C= You did NO MORE or NO LESS than what was required. Not a lot of originality or it looks rushed or it could be taken much further. You have a lot of over worked or under worked areas.

D= Does NOT meet minimum class requirements. Work is not complete. Work needs much improvement on quality.

F= Does not meet most of the class requirements or work is not finished.

Visual Arts Grade Scale

A 94-100

A- 90-94

B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62


Please be sure that you and your child have no questions with the Class syllabus. Please sign and return with your student the second week of school.

Thank you, Mrs. J. Genett, Sacred Heart Art Dept.

Parent Signature Student Name

Student Signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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