[Pages:1]Minist?rio da Economia Secretaria Especial da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB

Alf?ndega da RFB do Porto de Vit?ria/ES - ALFVIT Servi?o de Vigil?ncia e Repress?o ao Contrabando e Descaminho - SEREP


In the first port in Brazil, you must communicate your arrival to the HARBOR MASTER OFFICE (Capitania dos Portos), by radio on channel 16. After that, you must go to the IMMIGRATION OFFICE (Pol?cia Federal) located on Av. Vale do Rio Doce 01, S?o Torquato, Vila Velha-ES (cell phone 99248-8262, available on-call ), to regularize your personal documents (visa).

Before reporting to the Brazilian CUSTOMS (Receita Federal) authorities, you must fill the declaration of inbound goods and values at the following website, for the temporary admission of the vessel: You may also fill the EDBV through a mobile app (edbv Receita Federal for android and iOS). You must print the voucher containing the bar code or write down the declaration's number and present it to the Customs authorities at the first port of your stopover in Brazil to get the TECAT ? Term of Concession of Temporary Admission.

If you are already in Vit?ria/ES without the TECAT you must go* to the CUSTOMS office, at the address below, to get it:

Customs Officer on duty (Plant?o da Alf?ndega):

Av. Get?lio Vargas 556, Vit?ria (city center inside the Codesa port)

Tel: +55 27 3222- 0939 Mobile: +55 27 98836-3527

*exceptionally, information may be sent to the mobile above.

The TECAT allows vessel transit through all ports during the permitted time, but the document must always remain on board.

IMPORTANT: During the period granted, you only need to go to the CUSTOMS office at the last port in the country when you decide to leave definitely or if you need to leave the country by any other means (plane, car, etc.).

ATTENTION: You can not leave the vessel in a Marina when leaving the country without asking for Customs clearance. In this case, before the TECAT expiration date, you must return to the Brazilian CUSTOMS to request an authorization form to leave the vessel under the responsibility of a marina. The marina must sign the form. Return to CUSTOMS with a signed form to get authorization. Before your departure, you must hand in a copy of the document at the marina. In this period, it is forbidden to use the (sail) boat. She must remain moored. When you return to Brazil, you must immediately present yourself at the CUSTOMS OFFICE, who will issue a release document that must be delivered to the marina and will issue another TECAT to allow the boat transit again in Brazil.

ATTENTION: The same person who requests the authorization to leave the vessel in Brazil must return to retrieve the boat.

At the last port in Brazil, when leaving the country, the same person who entered with the vessel must go to the IMMIGRATION OFFICE to check out the passport, and then to the CUSTOMS to end the Concession of Temporary Admission in the TECAT. To conclude, you must go to the HARBOR MASTER OFFICE to communicate your exit.

ATTENTION: You can be fined if you do not comply with these rules!


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